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AWS Elemental MediaPackage

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for MediaPackageClient and MediaPackage.


CDN Authorization credentials

A Channel resource configuration.

A Common Media Application Format (CMAF) encryption configuration.

A Common Media Application Format (CMAF) packaging configuration.

A Common Media Application Format (CMAF) packaging configuration.

the option to configure log subscription.

A new Channel configuration.

Configuration parameters used to create a new HarvestJob.

Configuration parameters used to create a new OriginEndpoint.

A Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) encryption configuration.

A Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) packaging configuration.

Configure egress access logging.

Use encryptionContractConfiguration to configure one or more content encryption keys for your endpoints that use SPEKE 2.0.

A HarvestJob resource configuration

An HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) encryption configuration.

An HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) ingest resource configuration.

A HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) manifest configuration.

A HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) manifest configuration.

An HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) packaging configuration.

An endpoint for ingesting source content for a Channel.

Configure ingress access logging.

A client for the MediaPackage API.

A Microsoft Smooth Streaming (MSS) encryption configuration.

A Microsoft Smooth Streaming (MSS) packaging configuration.

An OriginEndpoint resource configuration.

Configuration parameters for where in an S3 bucket to place the harvested content

A configuration for accessing an external Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange (SPEKE) service that will provide encryption keys.

A StreamSelection configuration.

Configuration parameters used to update the Channel.

Configuration parameters used to update an existing OriginEndpoint.


Errors returned by ConfigureLogs

Errors returned by CreateChannel

Errors returned by CreateHarvestJob

Errors returned by CreateOriginEndpoint

Errors returned by DeleteChannel

Errors returned by DeleteOriginEndpoint

Errors returned by DescribeChannel

Errors returned by DescribeHarvestJob

Errors returned by DescribeOriginEndpoint

Errors returned by ListChannels

Errors returned by ListHarvestJobs

Errors returned by ListOriginEndpoints

Errors returned by ListTagsForResource

Errors returned by RotateChannelCredentials

Errors returned by RotateIngestEndpointCredentials

Errors returned by TagResource

Errors returned by UntagResource

Errors returned by UpdateChannel

Errors returned by UpdateOriginEndpoint


Trait representing the capabilities of the MediaPackage API. MediaPackage clients implement this trait.