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AWS Directory Service

AWS Directory Service is a web service that makes it easy for you to setup and run directories in the AWS cloud, or connect your AWS resources with an existing on-premises Microsoft Active Directory. This guide provides detailed information about AWS Directory Service operations, data types, parameters, and errors. For information about AWS Directory Services features, see AWS Directory Service and the AWS Directory Service Administration Guide.

AWS provides SDKs that consist of libraries and sample code for various programming languages and platforms (Java, Ruby, .Net, iOS, Android, etc.). The SDKs provide a convenient way to create programmatic access to AWS Directory Service and other AWS services. For more information about the AWS SDKs, including how to download and install them, see Tools for Amazon Web Services.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for DirectoryServiceClient and DirectoryService.


Represents a named directory attribute.

Information about the certificate.

Contains general information about a certificate.

Contains information about the client certificate authentication settings for the RegisterCertificate and DescribeCertificate operations.

Contains information about a computer account in a directory.

Points to a remote domain with which you are setting up a trust relationship. Conditional forwarders are required in order to set up a trust relationship with another domain.

Contains the inputs for the ConnectDirectory operation.

Contains the results of the ConnectDirectory operation.

Contains the inputs for the CreateAlias operation.

Contains the results of the CreateAlias operation.

Contains the inputs for the CreateComputer operation.

Contains the results for the CreateComputer operation.

Initiates the creation of a conditional forwarder for your AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory. Conditional forwarders are required in order to set up a trust relationship with another domain.

The result of a CreateConditinalForwarder request.

Contains the inputs for the CreateDirectory operation.

Contains the results of the CreateDirectory operation.

Creates an AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory.

Result of a CreateMicrosoftAD request.

Contains the inputs for the CreateSnapshot operation.

Contains the results of the CreateSnapshot operation.

AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory allows you to configure trust relationships. For example, you can establish a trust between your AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory, and your existing on-premises Microsoft Active Directory. This would allow you to provide users and groups access to resources in either domain, with a single set of credentials.

This action initiates the creation of the AWS side of a trust relationship between an AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory and an external domain.

The result of a CreateTrust request.

Deletes a conditional forwarder.

The result of a DeleteConditionalForwarder request.

Contains the inputs for the DeleteDirectory operation.

Contains the results of the DeleteDirectory operation.

Contains the inputs for the DeleteSnapshot operation.

Contains the results of the DeleteSnapshot operation.

Deletes the local side of an existing trust relationship between the AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory and the external domain.

The result of a DeleteTrust request.

Removes the specified directory as a publisher to the specified SNS topic.

The result of a DeregisterEventTopic request.

Describes a conditional forwarder.

The result of a DescribeConditionalForwarder request.

Contains the inputs for the DescribeDirectories operation.

Contains the results of the DescribeDirectories operation.

Describes event topics.

The result of a DescribeEventTopic request.

Contains the inputs for the DescribeSnapshots operation.

Contains the results of the DescribeSnapshots operation.

Describes the trust relationships for a particular AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory. If no input parameters are are provided, such as directory ID or trust ID, this request describes all the trust relationships.

The result of a DescribeTrust request.

Contains information for the ConnectDirectory operation when an AD Connector directory is being created.

Contains information about an AD Connector directory.

Contains information about an AWS Directory Service directory.

Contains directory limit information for a Region.

A client for the Directory Service API.

Contains VPC information for the CreateDirectory or CreateMicrosoftAD operation.

Contains information about the directory.

Contains the inputs for the DisableRadius operation.

Contains the results of the DisableRadius operation.

Contains the inputs for the DisableSso operation.

Contains the results of the DisableSso operation.

Contains information about the domain controllers for a specified directory.

Contains the inputs for the EnableRadius operation.

Contains the results of the EnableRadius operation.

Contains the inputs for the EnableSso operation.

Contains the results of the EnableSso operation.

Information about SNS topic and AWS Directory Service directory associations.

Contains the inputs for the GetDirectoryLimits operation.

Contains the results of the GetDirectoryLimits operation.

Contains the inputs for the GetSnapshotLimits operation.

Contains the results of the GetSnapshotLimits operation.

IP address block. This is often the address block of the DNS server used for your on-premises domain.

Information about one or more IP address blocks.

Contains general information about the LDAPS settings.

Represents a log subscription, which tracks real-time data from a chosen log group to a specified destination.

Describes the directory owner account details that have been shared to the directory consumer account.

Contains information about a Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) server.

The replicated Region information for a directory.

Provides information about the Regions that are configured for multi-Region replication.

Registers a new event topic.

The result of a RegisterEventTopic request.

An object representing the inputs for the RestoreFromSnapshot operation.

Contains the results of the RestoreFromSnapshot operation.

Information about a schema extension.

Identifier that contains details about the directory consumer account.

Details about the shared directory in the directory owner account for which the share request in the directory consumer account has been accepted.

Describes a directory snapshot.

Contains manual snapshot limit information for a directory.

Metadata assigned to a directory consisting of a key-value pair.

Describes a trust relationship between an AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory and an external domain.

Identifier that contains details about the directory consumer account with whom the directory is being unshared.

Updates a conditional forwarder.

The result of an UpdateConditionalForwarder request.

Contains the inputs for the UpdateRadius operation.

Contains the results of the UpdateRadius operation.

Initiates the verification of an existing trust relationship between an AWS Managed Microsoft AD directory and an external domain.

Result of a VerifyTrust request.


Errors returned by AcceptSharedDirectory

Errors returned by AddIpRoutes

Errors returned by AddRegion

Errors returned by AddTagsToResource

Errors returned by CancelSchemaExtension

Errors returned by ConnectDirectory

Errors returned by CreateAlias

Errors returned by CreateComputer

Errors returned by CreateConditionalForwarder

Errors returned by CreateDirectory

Errors returned by CreateLogSubscription

Errors returned by CreateMicrosoftAD

Errors returned by CreateSnapshot

Errors returned by CreateTrust

Errors returned by DeleteConditionalForwarder

Errors returned by DeleteDirectory

Errors returned by DeleteLogSubscription

Errors returned by DeleteSnapshot

Errors returned by DeleteTrust

Errors returned by DeregisterCertificate

Errors returned by DeregisterEventTopic

Errors returned by DescribeCertificate

Errors returned by DescribeConditionalForwarders

Errors returned by DescribeDirectories

Errors returned by DescribeDomainControllers

Errors returned by DescribeEventTopics

Errors returned by DescribeLDAPSSettings

Errors returned by DescribeRegions

Errors returned by DescribeSharedDirectories

Errors returned by DescribeSnapshots

Errors returned by DescribeTrusts

Errors returned by DisableClientAuthentication

Errors returned by DisableLDAPS

Errors returned by DisableRadius

Errors returned by DisableSso

Errors returned by EnableClientAuthentication

Errors returned by EnableLDAPS

Errors returned by EnableRadius

Errors returned by EnableSso

Errors returned by GetDirectoryLimits

Errors returned by GetSnapshotLimits

Errors returned by ListCertificates

Errors returned by ListIpRoutes

Errors returned by ListLogSubscriptions

Errors returned by ListSchemaExtensions

Errors returned by ListTagsForResource

Errors returned by RegisterCertificate

Errors returned by RegisterEventTopic

Errors returned by RejectSharedDirectory

Errors returned by RemoveIpRoutes

Errors returned by RemoveRegion

Errors returned by RemoveTagsFromResource

Errors returned by ResetUserPassword

Errors returned by RestoreFromSnapshot

Errors returned by ShareDirectory

Errors returned by StartSchemaExtension

Errors returned by UnshareDirectory

Errors returned by UpdateConditionalForwarder

Errors returned by UpdateNumberOfDomainControllers

Errors returned by UpdateRadius

Errors returned by UpdateTrust

Errors returned by VerifyTrust


Trait representing the capabilities of the Directory Service API. Directory Service clients implement this trait.