Trait rusoto_codedeploy::CodeDeploy [] [src]

pub trait CodeDeploy {
    fn add_tags_to_on_premises_instances(
        input: &AddTagsToOnPremisesInstancesInput
    ) -> Result<(), AddTagsToOnPremisesInstancesError>; fn batch_get_application_revisions(
        input: &BatchGetApplicationRevisionsInput
    ) -> Result<BatchGetApplicationRevisionsOutput, BatchGetApplicationRevisionsError>; fn batch_get_applications(
        input: &BatchGetApplicationsInput
    ) -> Result<BatchGetApplicationsOutput, BatchGetApplicationsError>; fn batch_get_deployment_groups(
        input: &BatchGetDeploymentGroupsInput
    ) -> Result<BatchGetDeploymentGroupsOutput, BatchGetDeploymentGroupsError>; fn batch_get_deployment_instances(
        input: &BatchGetDeploymentInstancesInput
    ) -> Result<BatchGetDeploymentInstancesOutput, BatchGetDeploymentInstancesError>; fn batch_get_deployments(
        input: &BatchGetDeploymentsInput
    ) -> Result<BatchGetDeploymentsOutput, BatchGetDeploymentsError>; fn batch_get_on_premises_instances(
        input: &BatchGetOnPremisesInstancesInput
    ) -> Result<BatchGetOnPremisesInstancesOutput, BatchGetOnPremisesInstancesError>; fn continue_deployment(
        input: &ContinueDeploymentInput
    ) -> Result<(), ContinueDeploymentError>; fn create_application(
        input: &CreateApplicationInput
    ) -> Result<CreateApplicationOutput, CreateApplicationError>; fn create_deployment(
        input: &CreateDeploymentInput
    ) -> Result<CreateDeploymentOutput, CreateDeploymentError>; fn create_deployment_config(
        input: &CreateDeploymentConfigInput
    ) -> Result<CreateDeploymentConfigOutput, CreateDeploymentConfigError>; fn create_deployment_group(
        input: &CreateDeploymentGroupInput
    ) -> Result<CreateDeploymentGroupOutput, CreateDeploymentGroupError>; fn delete_application(
        input: &DeleteApplicationInput
    ) -> Result<(), DeleteApplicationError>; fn delete_deployment_config(
        input: &DeleteDeploymentConfigInput
    ) -> Result<(), DeleteDeploymentConfigError>; fn delete_deployment_group(
        input: &DeleteDeploymentGroupInput
    ) -> Result<DeleteDeploymentGroupOutput, DeleteDeploymentGroupError>; fn deregister_on_premises_instance(
        input: &DeregisterOnPremisesInstanceInput
    ) -> Result<(), DeregisterOnPremisesInstanceError>; fn get_application(
        input: &GetApplicationInput
    ) -> Result<GetApplicationOutput, GetApplicationError>; fn get_application_revision(
        input: &GetApplicationRevisionInput
    ) -> Result<GetApplicationRevisionOutput, GetApplicationRevisionError>; fn get_deployment(
        input: &GetDeploymentInput
    ) -> Result<GetDeploymentOutput, GetDeploymentError>; fn get_deployment_config(
        input: &GetDeploymentConfigInput
    ) -> Result<GetDeploymentConfigOutput, GetDeploymentConfigError>; fn get_deployment_group(
        input: &GetDeploymentGroupInput
    ) -> Result<GetDeploymentGroupOutput, GetDeploymentGroupError>; fn get_deployment_instance(
        input: &GetDeploymentInstanceInput
    ) -> Result<GetDeploymentInstanceOutput, GetDeploymentInstanceError>; fn get_on_premises_instance(
        input: &GetOnPremisesInstanceInput
    ) -> Result<GetOnPremisesInstanceOutput, GetOnPremisesInstanceError>; fn list_application_revisions(
        input: &ListApplicationRevisionsInput
    ) -> Result<ListApplicationRevisionsOutput, ListApplicationRevisionsError>; fn list_applications(
        input: &ListApplicationsInput
    ) -> Result<ListApplicationsOutput, ListApplicationsError>; fn list_deployment_configs(
        input: &ListDeploymentConfigsInput
    ) -> Result<ListDeploymentConfigsOutput, ListDeploymentConfigsError>; fn list_deployment_groups(
        input: &ListDeploymentGroupsInput
    ) -> Result<ListDeploymentGroupsOutput, ListDeploymentGroupsError>; fn list_deployment_instances(
        input: &ListDeploymentInstancesInput
    ) -> Result<ListDeploymentInstancesOutput, ListDeploymentInstancesError>; fn list_deployments(
        input: &ListDeploymentsInput
    ) -> Result<ListDeploymentsOutput, ListDeploymentsError>; fn list_git_hub_account_token_names(
        input: &ListGitHubAccountTokenNamesInput
    ) -> Result<ListGitHubAccountTokenNamesOutput, ListGitHubAccountTokenNamesError>; fn list_on_premises_instances(
        input: &ListOnPremisesInstancesInput
    ) -> Result<ListOnPremisesInstancesOutput, ListOnPremisesInstancesError>; fn register_application_revision(
        input: &RegisterApplicationRevisionInput
    ) -> Result<(), RegisterApplicationRevisionError>; fn register_on_premises_instance(
        input: &RegisterOnPremisesInstanceInput
    ) -> Result<(), RegisterOnPremisesInstanceError>; fn remove_tags_from_on_premises_instances(
        input: &RemoveTagsFromOnPremisesInstancesInput
    ) -> Result<(), RemoveTagsFromOnPremisesInstancesError>; fn skip_wait_time_for_instance_termination(
        input: &SkipWaitTimeForInstanceTerminationInput
    ) -> Result<(), SkipWaitTimeForInstanceTerminationError>; fn stop_deployment(
        input: &StopDeploymentInput
    ) -> Result<StopDeploymentOutput, StopDeploymentError>; fn update_application(
        input: &UpdateApplicationInput
    ) -> Result<(), UpdateApplicationError>; fn update_deployment_group(
        input: &UpdateDeploymentGroupInput
    ) -> Result<UpdateDeploymentGroupOutput, UpdateDeploymentGroupError>; }

Trait representing the capabilities of the CodeDeploy API. CodeDeploy clients implement this trait.

Required Methods

Adds tags to on-premises instances.

Gets information about one or more application revisions.

Gets information about one or more applications.

Gets information about one or more deployment groups.

Gets information about one or more instance that are part of a deployment group.

Gets information about one or more deployments.

Gets information about one or more on-premises instances.

For a blue/green deployment, starts the process of rerouting traffic from instances in the original environment to instances in the replacement environment without waiting for a specified wait time to elapse. (Traffic rerouting, which is achieved by registering instances in the replacement environment with the load balancer, can start as soon as all instances have a status of Ready.)

Creates an application.

Deploys an application revision through the specified deployment group.

Creates a deployment configuration.

Creates a deployment group to which application revisions will be deployed.

Deletes an application.

Deletes a deployment configuration.

A deployment configuration cannot be deleted if it is currently in use. Predefined configurations cannot be deleted.

Deletes a deployment group.

Deregisters an on-premises instance.

Gets information about an application.

Gets information about an application revision.

Gets information about a deployment.

Gets information about a deployment configuration.

Gets information about a deployment group.

Gets information about an instance as part of a deployment.

Gets information about an on-premises instance.

Lists information about revisions for an application.

Lists the applications registered with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.

Lists the deployment configurations with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.

Lists the deployment groups for an application registered with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.

Lists the instance for a deployment associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.

Lists the deployments in a deployment group for an application registered with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.

Lists the names of stored connections to GitHub accounts.

Gets a list of names for one or more on-premises instances.

Unless otherwise specified, both registered and deregistered on-premises instance names will be listed. To list only registered or deregistered on-premises instance names, use the registration status parameter.

Registers with AWS CodeDeploy a revision for the specified application.

Registers an on-premises instance.

Only one IAM ARN (an IAM session ARN or IAM user ARN) is supported in the request. You cannot use both.

Removes one or more tags from one or more on-premises instances.

In a blue/green deployment, overrides any specified wait time and starts terminating instances immediately after the traffic routing is completed.

Attempts to stop an ongoing deployment.

Changes the name of an application.

Changes information about a deployment group.
