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Alexa for Business helps you use Alexa in your organization. Alexa for Business provides you with the tools to manage Alexa devices, enroll your users, and assign skills, at scale. You can build your own context-aware voice skills using the Alexa Skills Kit and the Alexa for Business API operations. You can also make these available as private skills for your organization. Alexa for Business makes it efficient to voice-enable your products and services, thus providing context-aware voice experiences for your customers. Device makers building with the Alexa Voice Service (AVS) can create fully integrated solutions, register their products with Alexa for Business, and manage them as shared devices in their organization.

If you’re using the service, you’re probably looking for AlexaForBusinessClient and AlexaForBusiness.


An address book with attributes.

Information related to an address book.

A client for the Alexa For Business API.

The audio message. There is a 1 MB limit on the audio file input and the only supported format is MP3. To convert your MP3 audio files to an Alexa-friendly,

required codec version (MPEG version 2) and bit rate (48 kbps), you might use converter software. One option for this is a command-line tool, FFmpeg. For more information, see FFmpeg. The following command converts the provided <input-file> to an MP3 file that is played in the announcement:

ffmpeg -i <input-file> -ac 2 -codec:a libmp3lame -b:a 48k -ar 16000 <output-file.mp3>

Usage report with specified parameters.

The content range of the report.

The recurrence of the reports.

The S3 location of the output reports.

The schedule of the usage report.

The skill store category that is shown. Alexa skills are assigned a specific skill category during creation, such as News, Social, and Sports.

The default conference provider that is used if no other scheduled meetings are detected.

An entity that provides a conferencing solution. Alexa for Business acts as the voice interface and mediator that connects users to their preferred conference provider. Examples of conference providers include Amazon Chime, Zoom, Cisco, and Polycom.

A contact with attributes.

Information related to a contact.

The content definition. This can contain only one text, SSML, or audio list object.

Creates settings for the end of meeting reminder feature that are applied to a room profile. The end of meeting reminder enables Alexa to remind users when a meeting is ending.

Creates settings for the instant booking feature that are applied to a room profile. When users start their meeting with Alexa, Alexa automatically books the room for the configured duration if the room is available.

Creates meeting room settings of a room profile.

Creates settings for the require check in feature that are applied to a room profile. Require check in allows a meeting room’s Alexa or AVS device to prompt the user to check in; otherwise, the room will be released.

The details about the developer that published the skill.

A device with attributes.

Device attributes.

The list of device events.

Detailed information about a device's network profile.

Details of a device’s status.

Detailed information about a device's status.

Settings for the end of meeting reminder feature that are applied to a room profile. The end of meeting reminder enables Alexa to remind users when a meeting is ending.

A filter name and value pair that is used to return a more specific list of results. Filters can be used to match a set of resources by various criteria.

The details of the gateway.

The details of the gateway group.

The summary of a gateway group.

The summary of a gateway.

The IP endpoint and protocol for calling.

Settings for the instant booking feature that are applied to a room profile. When users start their meeting with Alexa, Alexa automatically books the room for the configured duration if the room is available.

Meeting room settings of a room profile.

The values that indicate whether a pin is always required (YES), never required (NO), or OPTIONAL.

  • If YES, Alexa will always ask for a meeting pin.

  • If NO, Alexa will never ask for a meeting pin.

  • If OPTIONAL, Alexa will ask if you have a meeting pin and if the customer responds with yes, it will ask for the meeting pin.

The network profile associated with a device.

The data associated with a network profile.

The information for public switched telephone network (PSTN) conferencing.

The phone number for the contact containing the raw number and phone number type.

A room profile with attributes.

The data of a room profile.

Settings for the require check in feature that are applied to a room profile. Require check in allows a meeting room’s Alexa or AVS device to prompt the user to check in; otherwise, the room will be released.

A room with attributes.

The data of a room.

A skill parameter associated with a room.

The SIP address for the contact containing the URI and SIP address type.

Granular information about the skill.

A skill group with attributes.

The attributes of a skill group.

The summary of skills.

The detailed information about an Alexa skill.

A smart home appliance that can connect to a central system. Any domestic device can be a smart appliance.

An object representing a sort criteria.

The SSML message. For more information, see SSML Reference.

A key-value pair that can be associated with a resource.

The text message.

Settings for the end of meeting reminder feature that are applied to a room profile. The end of meeting reminder enables Alexa to remind users when a meeting is ending.

Updates settings for the instant booking feature that are applied to a room profile. If instant booking is enabled, Alexa automatically reserves a room if it is free when a user joins a meeting with Alexa.

Updates meeting room settings of a room profile.

Updates settings for the require check in feature that are applied to a room profile. Require check in allows a meeting room’s Alexa or AVS device to prompt the user to check in; otherwise, the room will be released.

Information related to a user.


Errors returned by ApproveSkill

Errors returned by AssociateContactWithAddressBook

Errors returned by AssociateDeviceWithNetworkProfile

Errors returned by AssociateDeviceWithRoom

Errors returned by AssociateSkillGroupWithRoom

Errors returned by AssociateSkillWithSkillGroup

Errors returned by AssociateSkillWithUsers

Errors returned by CreateAddressBook

Errors returned by CreateBusinessReportSchedule

Errors returned by CreateConferenceProvider

Errors returned by CreateContact

Errors returned by CreateGatewayGroup

Errors returned by CreateNetworkProfile

Errors returned by CreateProfile

Errors returned by CreateRoom

Errors returned by CreateSkillGroup

Errors returned by CreateUser

Errors returned by DeleteAddressBook

Errors returned by DeleteBusinessReportSchedule

Errors returned by DeleteConferenceProvider

Errors returned by DeleteContact

Errors returned by DeleteDevice

Errors returned by DeleteDeviceUsageData

Errors returned by DeleteGatewayGroup

Errors returned by DeleteNetworkProfile

Errors returned by DeleteProfile

Errors returned by DeleteRoom

Errors returned by DeleteRoomSkillParameter

Errors returned by DeleteSkillAuthorization

Errors returned by DeleteSkillGroup

Errors returned by DeleteUser

Errors returned by DisassociateContactFromAddressBook

Errors returned by DisassociateDeviceFromRoom

Errors returned by DisassociateSkillFromSkillGroup

Errors returned by DisassociateSkillFromUsers

Errors returned by DisassociateSkillGroupFromRoom

Errors returned by ForgetSmartHomeAppliances

Errors returned by GetAddressBook

Errors returned by GetConferencePreference

Errors returned by GetConferenceProvider

Errors returned by GetContact

Errors returned by GetDevice

Errors returned by GetGateway

Errors returned by GetGatewayGroup

Errors returned by GetInvitationConfiguration

Errors returned by GetNetworkProfile

Errors returned by GetProfile

Errors returned by GetRoom

Errors returned by GetRoomSkillParameter

Errors returned by GetSkillGroup

Errors returned by ListBusinessReportSchedules

Errors returned by ListConferenceProviders

Errors returned by ListDeviceEvents

Errors returned by ListGatewayGroups

Errors returned by ListGateways

Errors returned by ListSkills

Errors returned by ListSkillsStoreCategories

Errors returned by ListSkillsStoreSkillsByCategory

Errors returned by ListSmartHomeAppliances

Errors returned by ListTags

Errors returned by PutConferencePreference

Errors returned by PutInvitationConfiguration

Errors returned by PutRoomSkillParameter

Errors returned by PutSkillAuthorization

Errors returned by RegisterAVSDevice

Errors returned by RejectSkill

Errors returned by ResolveRoom

Errors returned by RevokeInvitation

Errors returned by SearchAddressBooks

Errors returned by SearchContacts

Errors returned by SearchDevices

Errors returned by SearchNetworkProfiles

Errors returned by SearchProfiles

Errors returned by SearchRooms

Errors returned by SearchSkillGroups

Errors returned by SearchUsers

Errors returned by SendAnnouncement

Errors returned by SendInvitation

Errors returned by StartDeviceSync

Errors returned by StartSmartHomeApplianceDiscovery

Errors returned by TagResource

Errors returned by UntagResource

Errors returned by UpdateAddressBook

Errors returned by UpdateBusinessReportSchedule

Errors returned by UpdateConferenceProvider

Errors returned by UpdateContact

Errors returned by UpdateDevice

Errors returned by UpdateGateway

Errors returned by UpdateGatewayGroup

Errors returned by UpdateNetworkProfile

Errors returned by UpdateProfile

Errors returned by UpdateRoom

Errors returned by UpdateSkillGroup


Trait representing the capabilities of the Alexa For Business API. Alexa For Business clients implement this trait.