Crate runtime_loop

Expand description

The runtime-loop crate provides a common runtime loop that continuously attempts to find changes in your system, and act upon them accordingly.


Add this to cargo.toml

runtime-loop = "0.0.3"

Add this to your crate

extern crate runtime_loop;


use runtime_loop::{RuntimeLoop, Pollable, Signal};
use std::thread;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::time;

// Create memory for the runtime loop. Grab the cancel flag to exit the loop based on time.
let mut rloop = RuntimeLoop::new();
let cancel_flag = rloop.get_cancel_flag();
// When polled, increment the value.
// This should normally be your poll function. We increment x as a test.
let target = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Pollable::new(0, Box::new(|x| x+1) ) ) );

// When the polled value changes, print a message.
if let Ok(mut target) = target.lock() {
        Box::new(|x| println!("Increment: {:?}", x)) 

// Add the pollable to the runtime loop.
// This is an async runtime loop.  Though it is acceptable to call without spawning a new thread, spawning a new thread will enable external cancellation of the runtime loop.
let runtime_thread = thread::spawn(move || {
   if let Result::Err(s) = { 
       panic!(s); }

// Run for N milliseconds before canceling and joining threads.  
thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(100)); //let the thread run for a bit, Ordering::Relaxed); //Cancel runtime loop!
if let Result::Err(s) = runtime_thread.join() {

