Crate runiq

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Runiq is a utility to filter unique lines from input.

It operates in a much faster pattern than either the Unix sort or uniq utilities, and without the constraints the two provide (either sorting input or only filtering sequential duplicates).

Runiq has a focus on memory space rather than throughput, simply because it comes from a need of filtering large streams of data. Having said this, it should be a goal to perform at least as fast as other tools of the same ilk.

Runiq is built mainly as a command line tool, although it can be used as a library as the Filter trait is exposed publicly. If you are using Runiq as a library, do not rely on any modules hidden from the public documentation.


  • Bitset filter backed by a scalable Bloom Filter.
  • Digest filter implementation backed by a HashSet.
  • Basic filter implementation backed by a HashSet.
  • Uniq filter implementation to only remove consecutive duplicates.


  • Enum to store all possible variants of filters.


  • Trait for any type which can be used to filter unique values.