pub trait Modifiers: View + Sized {
Show 13 methods fn padding(self, param: impl Into<PaddingParam>) -> Padding<Self>; fn tap<F: Fn() + 'static>(self, f: F) -> Tap<Self, F>; fn background<BG: View + 'static>(
        background: BG
    ) -> Background<Self, BG>; fn geom<F: Fn(LocalSize) + 'static>(self, f: F) -> Geom<Self, F>; fn drag<F: Fn(LocalOffset, GestureState) + 'static>(
        f: F
    ) -> Drag<Self, F>; fn offset<Off: Into<LocalOffset>>(self, offset: Off) -> Offset<Self>; fn size<Sz: Into<LocalSize>>(self, size: Sz) -> Size<Self>; fn command<F: Fn() + 'static>(
        name: &str,
        key: Option<KeyCode>,
        f: F
    ) -> Command<Self, F>; fn command_group<T: CommandTuple>(self, cmds: T) -> CommandGroup<Self, T>; fn key<F: Fn(KeyPress) + 'static>(self, f: F) -> Key<Self, F>; fn role(self, role: Role) -> RoleView<Self>; fn window_title(self, title: &str) -> TitleView<Self>; fn fullscreen(self) -> FullscreenView<Self>;

Required methods

Adds space around a view. Can be either Auto or Px(number_of_pixels)

Calls a function in response to a tap.

Puts a view behind another. The background view inherits the size of the view.

Calls a function with the view’s geometry after layout runs. Currently only the view’s size is returned.

Calls a function in response to a drag.

Applies an offset to the view in local space.

Constrains the size of a view.

Adds a menu command.

Adds a group of menu commands.

Responds to keyboard events

Specify an accessiblity role.

Specify the title of the window.

Make the window full screen.
