Module ructe::Template_syntax::b_Loops

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A ructe @for loop works just as a rust for loop, iterating over anything that implements std::iter::IntoIterator, such as a Vec or a slice.


Rust-like loops are supported like this:

<ul>@for item in items {

Note that the thing to loop over (items, in the example) is a rust expression, while the contents of the block is template code.

If items is a slice of tuples (or really, anything that is iterable yielding tuples), it is possible to deconstruct the tuples into separate values directly:

@for (n, item) in items.iter().enumerate() {
    <p>@n: @item</p>

It is also possible to loop over a literal array (which may be an array of tuples), as long as you do it by reference:

@for &(name, age) in &[("Rasmus", 44), ("Mike", 36)] {
    <p>@name is @age years old.</p>