Macro rubbl_core::ctry

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macro_rules! ctry {
    ($op:expr ; $( $chain_fmt_args:expr ),*) => { ... };
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A “contextualized try” macro.

This macro is syntactic sugar. The expression

ctry!(op; "spec: {}", value)

is equivalent to:

    use anyhow::Context;
    op.with_context(|| format!("spec: {}", value))?

So, it attempts an operation that returns a Result (or Option) and evaluates to its Ok (or Some) value if the operation is successful. If not, it exits the current function with an Err value that has a formatted context string attached to it.

use rubbl_core::ctry;
use std::{fs::File, io::Write};

let path = "myfile.txt";
let mut myfile = ctry!(File::open(path); "failed to open file `{}`", path);
ctry!(write!(myfile, "hello"); "failed to write to file `{}`", path);