Enum rustla::doctree::tree_node_types::TreeNodeType[][src]

pub enum TreeNodeType {
    Abbreviation {
        name: Option<String>,
        classes: Option<String>,
    AbsoluteURI {
        text: String,
    Admonition {
        content_indent: usize,
        classes: Option<String>,
        name: Option<String>,
        variant: AdmonitionType,
    Attribution {
        raw_text: String,
    AutomaticSectionNumbering {
        depth: Option<u32>,
        prefix: Option<String>,
        suffix: Option<String>,
        start: Option<u32>,
    BlockQuote {
        body_indent: usize,
    BulletList {
        bullet: char,
        bullet_indent: usize,
        text_indent: usize,
    BulletListItem {
        bullet: char,
        bullet_indent: usize,
        text_indent: usize,
    Caption {
        indent: usize,
    Citation {
        body_indent: usize,
        label: String,
    CitationReference {
        displayed_text: String,
        target_label: String,
    Class {
        body_indent: usize,
        classes: Vec<String>,
    Code {
        text: String,
        language: Option<String>,
        name: Option<String>,
        class: Option<String>,
        number_lines: Option<String>,
    Comment {
        text: Option<String>,
    CompoundParagraph {
        body_indent: usize,
        name: Option<String>,
        class: Option<String>,
    Container {
        body_indent: usize,
        class_names: Option<Vec<String>>,
        name: Option<String>,
    CSVTable {
        name: Option<String>,
        class: Option<String>,
        widths: Option<TableColWidths>,
        width: Option<MetricType>,
        header_rows: Option<u32>,
        stub_columns: Option<u32>,
        header: Option<Vec<String>>,
        file: Option<String>,
        url: Option<String>,
        encoding: Option<String>,
        delim: Option<char>,
        quote: Option<char>,
        keepspace: Option<bool>,
        escape: Option<char>,
        align: Option<HorizontalAlignment>,
    DefinitionList {
        term_indent: usize,
    DefinitionListItem {
        term: String,
        classifiers: Vec<String>,
        body_indent: usize,
    Emphasis {
        text: String,
    Entry {
        is_last: bool,
    EnumeratedList {
        delims: EnumDelims,
        kind: EnumKind,
        start_index: usize,
        n_of_items: usize,
        enumerator_indent: usize,
    EnumeratedListItem {
        delims: EnumDelims,
        kind: EnumKind,
        index_in_list: usize,
        enumerator_indent: usize,
        text_indent: usize,
    ExternalHyperlinkTarget {
        marker_indent: usize,
        target: String,
        uri: String,
    FieldBody {
        indentation: usize,
    FieldList {
        marker_indent: usize,
    FieldListItem {
        raw_marker_name: String,
        marker_name_as_inline_nodes: Vec<TreeNodeType>,
        marker_indent: usize,
        body_indent: usize,
    Figure {
        body_indent: usize,
        align: Option<HorizontalAlignment>,
        figwidth: Option<Length>,
        figclass: Option<String>,
        name: Option<String>,
    Footer {
        body_indent: usize,
    Footnote {
        body_indent: usize,
        kind: FootnoteKind,
        label: String,
        target: String,
    FootnoteReference {
        displayed_text: String,
        target_label: String,
        kind: FootnoteKind,
    Header {
        body_indent: usize,
    Image {
        uri: String,
        alt: Option<String>,
        height: Option<Length>,
        width: Option<Length>,
        scale: Option<f64>,
        align: Option<HTMLAlignment>,
        target: Option<String>,
        name: Option<String>,
        class: Option<String>,
        inline: bool,
    Include {
        uri: String,
        start_line: Option<u32>,
        end_line: Option<u32>,
        start_after: Option<u32>,
        end_before: Option<u32>,
        literal: bool,
        code: Option<Option<String>>,
        number_lines: Option<Option<u32>>,
        encoding: Option<String>,
        tab_width: Option<u32>,
        name: Option<String>,
        class: Option<String>,
    IndirectHyperlinkTarget {
        marker_indent: usize,
        target: String,
        indirect_target: String,
    InlineTarget {
        target_label: String,
    InterpretedText {
        role: String,
        content: String,
    Legend {
        body_indent: usize,
    ListTable {
        body_indent: usize,
        title: Option<String>,
        widths: Option<TableColWidths>,
        width: Option<MetricType>,
        header_rows: Option<u32>,
        stub_columns: Option<u32>,
        align: Option<HorizontalAlignment>,
    Literal {
        text: String,
    LiteralBlock {
        text: String,
    Math {
        text: String,
        name: Option<String>,
        class: Option<String>,
    MathBlock {
        math_block: String,
        name: Option<String>,
        class: Option<String>,
    OptionList {
        option_indent: usize,
    OptionListItem {
        body_indent: usize,
    Paragraph {
        indent: usize,
    Reference {
        displayed_text: Option<String>,
        reference: Reference,
    Rubric {
        name: Option<String>,
        class: Option<String>,
    Section {
        title_text: String,
        level: usize,
        line_style: SectionLineStyle,
    Sidebar {
        body_indent: usize,
    StrongEmphasis {
        text: String,
    Subscript {
        text: String,
    SubstitutionReference {
        substitution_label: String,
        target_label: Option<String>,
    Superscript {
        text: String,
    Table {
        name: Option<String>,
        class: Option<String>,
        align: Option<HorizontalAlignment>,
        widths: Option<Vec<usize>>,
        width: Option<Length>,
    Text {
        text: String,
    TitleReference {
        displayed_text: String,
        target_label: String,
    Topic {
        title: String,
        depth: Option<u32>,
        local: Option<bool>,
        backlinks: Option<ToCBacklinks>,
        class: Option<String>,
    UnknownDirective {
        directive_name: String,
        argument: String,
        options: HashMap<String, String>,
        body_indent: usize,
    WhiteSpace {
        text: String,
    SphinxOnly {
        expression: String,
        body_indent: usize,
    SphinxCodeBlock {
        language: String,
        linenos: bool,
        lineno_start: Option<usize>,
        emphasize_lines: Option<Vec<usize>>,
        caption: Option<String>,
        name: Option<String>,
        dedent: Option<usize>,
        force: bool,
        code_text: String,
    AplusPOI {
        title: String,
        body_indent: usize,
        id: Option<String>,
        previous: Option<String>,
        next: Option<String>,
        hidden: Option<String>,
        class: Option<String>,
        height: Option<Length>,
        columns: Option<String>,
        bgimg: Option<String>,
        not_in_slides: Option<String>,
        not_in_book: Option<String>,
        no_poi_box: Option<String>,
    AplusQuestionnaire {
        body_indent: usize,
        points_from_children: QuizPoints,
        key: String,
        max_points: Option<QuizPoints>,
        difficulty: Option<String>,
        submissions: Option<String>,
        points_to_pass: Option<String>,
        feedback: Option<String>,
        title: Option<String>,
        no_override: Option<String>,
        pick_randomly: Option<String>,
        preserve_questions_between_attempts: Option<String>,
        category: Option<String>,
        status: Option<String>,
        reveal_model_at_max_submissions: Option<String>,
        show_model: Option<String>,
        allow_assistant_viewing: Option<String>,
        allow_assistant_grading: Option<String>,
    AplusPickOne {
        body_indent: usize,
        points: QuizPoints,
        class: Option<String>,
        required: bool,
        key: Option<String>,
        dropdown: bool,
    AplusPickAny {
        body_indent: usize,
        points: QuizPoints,
        class: Option<String>,
        required: bool,
        key: Option<String>,
        partial_points: bool,
        randomized: bool,
        correct_count: Option<u32>,
        preserve_questions_between_attempts: bool,
    AplusFreeText {
        body_indent: usize,
        points: QuizPoints,
        compare_method: String,
        model_answer: String,
        class: Option<String>,
        required: Option<String>,
        key: Option<String>,
        length: Option<String>,
        height: Option<String>,
    AplusPickChoices {
        body_indent: usize,
    AplusPickChoice {
        label: String,
        is_correct: bool,
        is_pre_selected: bool,
        is_neutral: bool,
    AplusQuestionnaireHints {
        body_indent: usize,
    AplusQuestionnaireHint {
        label: String,
        show_when_not_selected: bool,
        question_type: AplusQuestionnaireType,
    AplusSubmit {
        body_indent: usize,
        key: String,
        difficulty: String,
        max_points: QuizPoints,
        config: String,
        submissions: u32,
        points_to_pass: QuizPoints,
        class: String,
        title: String,
        category: String,
        status: AplusExerciseStatus,
        ajax: bool,
        allow_assistant_viewing: bool,
        allow_assistant_grading: bool,
        quiz: bool,
        url: String,
        radar_tokenizer: AplusRadarTokenizer,
        radar_minimum_match_tokens: Option<u32>,
        lti: String,
        lti_resource_link_id: String,
        lti_open_in_iframe: bool,
        lti_aplus_get_and_post: bool,
    AplusActiveElementInput {
        key_for_input: String,
        title: Option<String>,
        default: Option<String>,
        class: Option<String>,
        width: Option<Length>,
        height: Option<Length>,
        clear: Option<AplusActiveElementClear>,
        input_type: Option<AplusActiveElementInputType>,
        file: Option<String>,
    AplusActiveElementOutput {
        key_for_output: String,
        config: String,
        inputs: String,
        title: Option<String>,
        class: Option<String>,
        width: Option<Length>,
        height: Option<Length>,
        clear: Option<AplusActiveElementClear>,
        output_type: AplusActiveElementOutputType,
        submissions: Option<u32>,
        scale_size: bool,
        status: AplusExerciseStatus,

An enumeration of the different possible document node types.

Some of the nodes listed here are redundant. This is because reStructuredText documentation also lists nodes that (multiply) inherit from other nodes in the implementation, but Rust has no concept of inheritance built in.



The abbreviation element is an inline element used to represent an abbreviation being used in the document. An example of an abbreviation is ‘St’ being used instead of ‘Street’.

Fields of Abbreviation

name: Option<String>classes: Option<String>

A reference to a web address.

Fields of AbsoluteURI

text: String



The address element holds the surface mailing address information for the author (individual or group) of the document, or a third-party contact address. Its structure is identical to that of the literal_block element: whitespace is significant, especially newlines.


Covers all of the standard admonition types of reStructuredText:

  1. attention,
  2. caution,
  3. danger,
  4. error,
  5. hint,
  6. important,
  7. note,
  8. tip and
  9. warning,
  10. admonition

All of these have the same fields, and vary only in how they will be displayed. The last variant “admonition” may also contain a title. as one of its fields.

Fields of Admonition

content_indent: usizeclasses: Option<String>name: Option<String>variant: AdmonitionType

An optional attribution of a BlockQuote. An attribution is a text block beginning with “–”, “—”, or a true em-dash, flush left within the block quote. If the attribution consists of multiple lines, the left edges of the second and subsequent lines must align.

If a BlockQuote contains an attribution, the following node may be a `BlockQuote as well, but not otherwise (as it will be interpreted as a part of the previous quote).

Fields of Attribution

raw_text: String





The “sectnum” (or “section-numbering”) directive automatically numbers sections and subsections in a document (if not disabled by the –no-section-numbering command line option or the sectnum_xform configuration setting).

Section numbers are of the “multiple enumeration” form, where each level has a number, separated by periods. For example, the title of section 1, subsection 2, subsubsection 3 would have “1.2.3” prefixed.

The “sectnum” directive does its work in two passes: the initial parse and a transform. During the initial parse, a “pending” element is generated which acts as a placeholder, storing any options internally. At a later stage in the processing, the “pending” element triggers a transform, which adds section numbers to titles. Section numbers are enclosed in a “generated” element, and titles have their “auto” attribute set to “1”.

Details: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#automatic-section-numbering

Fields of AutomaticSectionNumbering

depth: Option<u32>prefix: Option<String>suffix: Option<String>start: Option<u32>

Text indented relative to previous text, without markup indicating the start of a list or other container nodes. A block quote may end with an Attribution, which allows placing multiple block quotes in a sequence.

Also generated by the epigraph, highlights and pull-quote directives.

Fields of BlockQuote

body_indent: usize

An unnumbered list node. These may only contain BulletListItem nodes or EmptyLines as their direct children.

Fields of BulletList

bullet: charbullet_indent: usizetext_indent: usize

An unnumbered list item. Can contain any Body level elements as its direct children.

Fields of BulletListItem

bullet: charbullet_indent: usizetext_indent: usize

A Figure consists of image data (including image options), an optional caption (a single paragraph), and an optional legend (arbitrary body elements). For page-based output media, figures might float to a different position if this helps the page layout.

Fields of Caption

indent: usize

A generic citation target.

Fields of Citation

body_indent: usizelabel: String

A reference to a bibliographic citation.

Fields of CitationReference

displayed_text: Stringtarget_label: String

A container that triggers the storage of HTML classes into the DocTree and gives these to its children, if it has any.

Fields of Class

body_indent: usizeclasses: Vec<String>

A classifier for a DefinitionTerm in a DefinitionList. Could be the type of a varible in a function decraration, or something similar.


The “code” directive constructs a literal block. If the code language is specified, the content is parsed by the Pygments syntax highlighter and tokens are stored in nested inline elements with class arguments according to their syntactic category. The actual highlighting requires a style-sheet (e.g. one generated by Pygments, see the sandbox/stylesheets for examples).

The parsing can be turned off with the syntax_highlight configuration setting and command line option or by specifying the language as :class: option instead of directive argument. This also avoids warnings when Pygments is not installed or the language is not in the supported languages and markup formats.

For inline code, use the “code” role.

Details: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#code

Fields of Code

text: Stringlanguage: Option<String>name: Option<String>class: Option<String>number_lines: Option<String>



A reStructuredText comment

Fields of Comment

text: Option<String>

The “compound” directive is used to create a compound paragraph, which is a single logical paragraph containing multiple physical body elements such as simple paragraphs,literal blocks, tables, lists, etc., instead of directly containing text and inline elements. For example:

Details: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#compound-paragraph

Fields of CompoundParagraph

body_indent: usizename: Option<String>class: Option<String>



The “container” directive surrounds its contents (arbitrary body elements) with a generic block-level “container” element. Combined with the optional “classes” attribute argument(s), this is an extension mechanism for users & applications. The “container” directive is the equivalent of HTML’s

element. It may be used to group a sequence of elements for user- or application-specific purposes.

Details: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#container

Fields of Container

body_indent: usizeclass_names: Option<Vec<String>>name: Option<String>



The “csv-table” directive is used to create a table from CSV (comma-separated values) data. CSV is a common data format generated by spreadsheet applications and commercial databases. The data may be internal (an integral part of the document) or external (a separate file).

Details: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#id4

Fields of CSVTable

name: Option<String>class: Option<String>widths: Option<TableColWidths>width: Option<MetricType>header_rows: Option<u32>stub_columns: Option<u32>header: Option<Vec<String>>file: Option<String>url: Option<String>encoding: Option<String>delim: Option<char>quote: Option<char>keepspace: Option<bool>escape: Option<char>align: Option<HorizontalAlignment>

Document metadata




The definition of a definition list.


A list of definitions. Contains DefinitionListItems or EmptyLine nodes as its direct children.

Fields of DefinitionList

term_indent: usize

A child node type of DefinitionList. Contains a map of DefinitionTerms and the corresponding TermDefinitions, in addition to optional term classifiers.

Fields of DefinitionListItem

term: Stringclassifiers: Vec<String>body_indent: usize





These are interactive Python sessions contained in Python docstrings. Based on the Python standard library doctest module.

Doctest blocks begin with “>>>”, the python REPL main prompt and end with a blank line. They are a special case of the literal block and if both are present, the literal block takes precedence.


The root node of an reStructuredText document tree.


Emphasised or italicized text.

Fields of Emphasis

text: String

A simple empty line, that contains no actual data. These can be contained in pretty much any container node, such as lists or list items, in addition to existing between body level elements.


Table data cells or entries may contain arbitrary body elements.

Fields of Entry

is_last: bool

An enumerated list node. Can only contain EnumeratedListItem and EmptyLine nodes as its direct children.

Fields of EnumeratedList

delims: EnumDelimskind: EnumKindstart_index: usizen_of_items: usizeenumerator_indent: usize

Child node type of EnumeratedList. Can contain any Bodyelements as its children.

Fields of EnumeratedListItem

delims: EnumDelimskind: EnumKindindex_in_list: usizeenumerator_indent: usizetext_indent: usize

A target for an external hyperlink. Contains a URI pointing to an external resource

Fields of ExternalHyperlinkTarget

marker_indent: usizetarget: Stringuri: String

A field of a field list


The parameter that FieldName refers to. May contain arbitrary body elements, just like bulleted and enumerated list items. The first line after the marker specifies the indentation used as a reference for parsing the rest of the block.

Fields of FieldBody

indentation: usize

A list of fields, that are used as a part of the reStructuredText extension syntax, such as directives. Bibliographies are a special case of these types of lists.

Fields of FieldList

marker_indent: usize

A field item of a FieldList. Consists of a marker with a field name and a field body consisting of arbitrary body elements.

| ":" field name ":" | field body           |
+-------+------------+                      |
        | (body elements)+                  |

Fields of FieldListItem

raw_marker_name: Stringmarker_name_as_inline_nodes: Vec<TreeNodeType>marker_indent: usizebody_indent: usize

A “figure” consists of image data (including image options), an optional caption (a single paragraph), and an optional legend (arbitrary body elements). For page-based output media, figures might float to a different position if this helps the page layout.

Fields of Figure

body_indent: usize

The indentation of the caption and legend of this Figure.

align: Option<HorizontalAlignment>figwidth: Option<Length>figclass: Option<String>name: Option<String>

The “header” and “footer” directives create document decorations, useful for page navigation, notes, time/datestamp, etc.

Details: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#document-header-footer

Fields of Footer

body_indent: usize

A foonote citation target. Contains a label and the foornote text itself.

The “target-notes” directive creates a footnote for each external target in the text, and corresponding footnote references after each reference. For every explicit target (of the form, .. _target name: URL) in the text, a footnote will be generated containing the visible URL as content.

Details: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#target-footnotes

Fields of Footnote

body_indent: usizekind: FootnoteKindlabel: Stringtarget: String

A reference to a foot note.

Fields of FootnoteReference

displayed_text: Stringtarget_label: Stringkind: FootnoteKind



The “header” and “footer” directives create document decorations, useful for page navigation, notes, time/datestamp, etc.

Details: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#document-header-footer

Fields of Header

body_indent: usize

An image without a surrounding figure node. Can be inserted inline, as well (as soon asn substitution definitions and references get implemented…).

Fields of Image

uri: Stringalt: Option<String>height: Option<Length>width: Option<Length>scale: Option<f64>align: Option<HTMLAlignment>target: Option<String>name: Option<String>class: Option<String>inline: bool

Images can be inserted inline via substitution references (not yet implemented in ruSTLa).


Fields of Include

uri: Stringstart_line: Option<u32>end_line: Option<u32>start_after: Option<u32>end_before: Option<u32>literal: boolcode: Option<Option<String>>number_lines: Option<Option<u32>>

This might be set or not, and if it is, it might contain a start line number or not.

encoding: Option<String>tab_width: Option<u32>name: Option<String>class: Option<String>

An indirect hyperlink target. Contains a hyperlink reference pointing to an internal or and external hyperlink.

Fields of IndirectHyperlinkTarget

marker_indent: usizetarget: Stringindirect_target: String



An inline reference target.

Fields of InlineTarget

target_label: String

This node type is reserved for unknown interpreted text roles.

Fields of InterpretedText

role: Stringcontent: String



A Figure consists of image data (including image options), an optional caption (a single paragraph), and an optional legend (arbitrary body elements). For page-based output media, figures might float to a different position if this helps the page layout.

Fields of Legend

body_indent: usize

A line of a line block.


A block of text where each new line begins with an unindented ‘|’, followed be text with specific left-alignment, used as a reference for the rest of the block. Allows writing blocks of text, where the struture of the lines is meaningful, such as poetry.

The symbols ‘|’ may be omitted, as they signify the start of a new line in the rendered output.

| "| " | line                  |
+------| continuation line     |

The “list-table” directive is used to create a table from data in a uniform two-level bullet list. “Uniform” means that each sublist (second-level list) must contain the same number of list items.

Details: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#list-table

Fields of ListTable

body_indent: usizetitle: Option<String>

An optional title, given as the directive argument.

widths: Option<TableColWidths>

A comma- or space-separated list of relative column widths. The default is equal-width columns (100%/#columns). The special value “auto” may be used by writers to decide whether to delegate the determination of column widths to the backend (LaTeX, the HTML browser, …).

width: Option<MetricType>

Forces the width of the table to the specified length or percentage of the line width. If omitted, the renderer determines the width of the table based on its contents.

header_rows: Option<u32>

The number of rows of list data to use in the table header. Defaults to 0.

stub_columns: Option<u32>

The number of table columns to use as stubs (row titles, on the left). Defaults to 0.

align: Option<HorizontalAlignment>

The horizontal alignment of the table. (New in Docutils 0.13)


Literal text, usually reserved for code.

Fields of Literal

text: String

Paragraph (possibly empty) ending in a “::” signifies the start of a literal block of text. Text contained in a literal block is not interpreted in any way, but simply stored in this node as is.

Fields of LiteralBlock

text: String

The “math” directive inserts blocks with mathematical content (display formulas, equations) into the document. The input format is subset of LaTeX math syntax with support for Unicode symbols. For inline formulas, use the “math” role.

Details: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#math

Fields of Math

text: Stringname: Option<String>class: Option<String>

A node for display-style mathematics (LaTeX).

Fields of MathBlock

math_block: Stringname: Option<String>class: Option<String>

A two-column list of command line options, such as the ones typically seen on unix man pages. Four types of options are supported:

  1. short POSIX options with one ‘-’ and an opion letter,
  2. Long POSIX options with “–”, followed by an option word. Some systems might use a single dash.
  3. Old GNU-style options starting with a ‘+’, followed by an option letter (!!!deprecated!!!)
  4. DOS/VMS options starting with a ‘/’, followed by an option letter or a word.

The recognized syntax is based on Python’s getopt.py module.

Fields of OptionList

option_indent: usize

A single option in an OptionList. Consists of an option, folllowed by and optional argument and a description. May contain arbitrary indented body elements after these:

| option [" " argument] "  " | description |
+-------+--------------------+             |
        | (body elements)+                 |

Fields of OptionListItem

body_indent: usize



Document metadata


A node constructed of a left-aligned block of text with no special starter markers.

Fields of Paragraph

indent: usize

A general reference to a reference target.

Fields of Reference

displayed_text: Option<String>reference: Reference

The “rubric” directive inserts a “rubric” element into the document tree. A rubric is like an informal heading that doesn’t correspond to the document’s structure.

Details: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#rubric

Fields of Rubric

name: Option<String>class: Option<String>

A section title node, that contains the title text, in addition to its marker type and (sub)section level.

Fields of Section

title_text: Stringlevel: usizeline_style: SectionLineStyle

Sidebars are like miniature, parallel documents that occur inside other documents, providing related or reference material. A sidebar is typically offset by a border and “floats” to the side of the page; the document’s main text may flow around it. Sidebars can also be likened to super-footnotes; their content is outside of the flow of the document’s main text.

The sidebar element is a nonrecursive section-like construct which may occur at the top level of a section wherever a body element (list, table, etc.) is allowed. In other words, sidebar elements cannot nest inside body elements, so you can’t have a sidebar inside a table or a list, or inside another sidebar (or topic).

Fields of Sidebar

body_indent: usize

Strongly emphasised text, usually rendered in bold.

Fields of StrongEmphasis

text: String

As the name impies, generates inline subscripted text.

Fields of Subscript

text: String

Explicit markup node, as in begins with “.. “ followed by a vertical bar ‘|’, substitution text and another ‘|’. The text may not begin or end with whitespace. Substitution definition blocks may contain a nested, inline compatible directive without the leading “.. “, such as image or replace.

| ".. " | "|" substitution text "| " directive type "::" data |
+-------+ directive block                                     |
        |                                                     |

A reference that is to be substituted with the reference target directive output.

Fields of SubstitutionReference

substitution_label: Stringtarget_label: Option<String>

Document metadata


Inline superscripted text.

Fields of Superscript

text: String

An error node (currently unused).


The “table” directive is used to associate a title with a table or specify options.

Details: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#table

Fields of Table

name: Option<String>class: Option<String>align: Option<HorizontalAlignment>widths: Option<Vec<usize>>width: Option<Length>

A table body node


A plain text node, that contains no special markup.

Fields of Text

text: String

Specifies atable group


Specifies a table header.


Specifies a table row.


Document metadata.


A reference to a title.

Fields of TitleReference

displayed_text: Stringtarget_label: String

The topic element is a nonrecursive section-like construct which may occur at the top level of a section wherever a body element (list, table, etc.) is allowed. In other words, topic elements cannot nest inside body elements, so you can’t have a topic inside a table or a list, or inside another topic. Topics may contain only body elements.

The “contents” directive generates a table of contents (TOC) in a topic. Topics, and therefore tables of contents, may occur anywhere a section or transition may occur. Body elements and topics may not contain tables of contents.

Details: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#table-of-contents

Fields of Topic

title: Stringdepth: Option<u32>local: Option<bool>backlinks: Option<ToCBacklinks>class: Option<String>

A node corresponding to LaTeX’s \hrulefill command.


Fields of UnknownDirective

directive_name: Stringargument: Stringoptions: HashMap<String, String>body_indent: usize

Document metadata


Generic inline whitespace that covers everything from spaces to newlines.

Fields of WhiteSpace

text: String

Fields of SphinxOnly

expression: Stringbody_indent: usize

A Sphinx-specific code block. See https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/directives.html#directive-code-block for details.

Fields of SphinxCodeBlock

language: Stringlinenos: boollineno_start: Option<usize>emphasize_lines: Option<Vec<usize>>caption: Option<String>name: Option<String>dedent: Option<usize>force: boolcode_text: String

A “point of interest” summary block. A point of interest is mostly like a normal admonition (“coloured info box”), but they are also linked to each other with next/previous links. The links enable the user to quickly navigate between the points of interest.

Fields of AplusPOI

title: Stringbody_indent: usizeid: Option<String>previous: Option<String>next: Option<String>hidden: Option<String>class: Option<String>height: Option<Length>columns: Option<String>bgimg: Option<String>not_in_slides: Option<String>not_in_book: Option<String>no_poi_box: Option<String>

A node that can be inserted inside A+ directives that support multiple columns. Placing a line that conforms to he regex [ ]+::newcol with the ::newcol having proper indentation with respect to the multicol directive will generate this type of node.


A quiz node that corresponds to the questionnaire A+ directive.

Fields of AplusQuestionnaire

body_indent: usizepoints_from_children: QuizPointskey: Stringmax_points: Option<QuizPoints>difficulty: Option<String>submissions: Option<String>points_to_pass: Option<String>feedback: Option<String>title: Option<String>no_override: Option<String>pick_randomly: Option<String>preserve_questions_between_attempts: Option<String>category: Option<String>status: Option<String>reveal_model_at_max_submissions: Option<String>show_model: Option<String>allow_assistant_viewing: Option<String>allow_assistant_grading: Option<String>

See the documentation for the quoestionnaire directive: https://github.com/apluslms/a-plus-rst-tools#1-graded-questionnaire

Fields of AplusPickOne

body_indent: usizepoints: QuizPointsclass: Option<String>required: boolkey: Option<String>dropdown: bool

See the documentation for the quoestionnaire directive: https://github.com/apluslms/a-plus-rst-tools#1-graded-questionnaire

Fields of AplusPickAny

body_indent: usizepoints: QuizPointsclass: Option<String>required: boolkey: Option<String>partial_points: boolrandomized: boolcorrect_count: Option<u32>preserve_questions_between_attempts: bool

See the documentation for the quoestionnaire directive: https://github.com/apluslms/a-plus-rst-tools#1-graded-questionnaire

Fields of AplusFreeText

body_indent: usizepoints: QuizPointscompare_method: String

One of int, float, string, subdiff, regexp, unsortedchars, with string and regexp having the --separated modifiers , ignorews, ignorequotes, requirecase, ignorerepl and ignoreparenthesis available.

model_answer: Stringclass: Option<String>required: Option<String>key: Option<String>length: Option<String>height: Option<String>

A node that contains the choices of an A+ pick type question.

Fields of AplusPickChoices

body_indent: usize

A single answer choice inside an A+ pick-(one|any) question.

Fields of AplusPickChoice

label: Stringis_correct: boolis_pre_selected: boolis_neutral: bool

A list type node for containing AplusQuestionnaireHints.

Fields of AplusQuestionnaireHints

body_indent: usize

A hint for questionnaire pick-{one, any} and freetext questions.

Fields of AplusQuestionnaireHint

label: Stringshow_when_not_selected: boolquestion_type: AplusQuestionnaireType

A+ submit-type exercise. See https://github.com/apluslms/a-plus-rst-tools#3-submittable-exercise.

Fields of AplusSubmit

body_indent: usizekey: Stringdifficulty: Stringmax_points: QuizPointsconfig: Stringsubmissions: u32points_to_pass: QuizPointsclass: Stringtitle: Stringcategory: Stringstatus: AplusExerciseStatusajax: boolallow_assistant_viewing: boolallow_assistant_grading: boolquiz: boolurl: Stringradar_tokenizer: AplusRadarTokenizerradar_minimum_match_tokens: Option<u32>lti: Stringlti_resource_link_id: Stringlti_open_in_iframe: boollti_aplus_get_and_post: bool

Fields of AplusActiveElementInput

key_for_input: Stringtitle: Option<String>default: Option<String>class: Option<String>width: Option<Length>height: Option<Length>clear: Option<AplusActiveElementClear>input_type: Option<AplusActiveElementInputType>file: Option<String>

Fields of AplusActiveElementOutput

key_for_output: Stringconfig: Stringinputs: Stringtitle: Option<String>class: Option<String>width: Option<Length>height: Option<Length>clear: Option<AplusActiveElementClear>output_type: AplusActiveElementOutputTypesubmissions: Option<u32>scale_size: boolstatus: AplusExerciseStatus


impl TreeNodeType[src]

pub fn body_indent(&self) -> Option<usize>[src]

Returns the relevant content indent of each node type. This is useful, when one is trying to find out whether a node belongs to a parent node. Node containerzation is determined by indentation in reStructuredText.

pub fn node_categories(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &NodeCategory>[src]

According to the reStructuredText DTD each node type is associated with a set of categories. This function returns that set (an immutable iterator) for each defined node type.

Trait Implementations

impl Debug for TreeNodeType[src]

impl Display for TreeNodeType[src]

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToString for T where
    T: Display + ?Sized

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.