Crate rspack_sources

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Rusty webpack-sources port.


Reexport [StreamChunks] related types.


An convenient way to create a Mapping.
An convenient way to create Mappings.


It tries to reused cached results from other methods to avoid calculations, usally used after modify is finished.
Concatenate multiple Sources to a single Source.
Represent a Mapping information of source map.
Represent original position information of a Mapping.
Represents source code, it will create source map for the source code, but the source map is created by splitting the source code at typical statement borders (;, {, }).
Decorates a Source with replacements and insertions of source code, usally used in dependencies
The source map created by Source::map.
Represents source code with source map, optionally having an additional source map for the original source.
An convenient options for SourceMapSourceOptions, original_source and inner_source_map will be None, remove_original_source will be false.


Error for this crate.
Represents source code without source map, it will not create source map for the source code.


Extension methods for Source.

Type Definitions