Module rslint_parser::syntax::expr[][src]

Expand description

Expressions, these include this, identifiers, arrays, objects, binary expressions, unary expressions, and more.

See the ECMAScript spec.



Arguments to a function.

An array literal such as [foo, bar, ...baz].

An assignment expression such as foo += bar or foo = 5.

A binary expression such as 2 + 2 or foo * bar + 2

An array expression for property access or indexing, such as foo[0] or foo?.["bar"]

A conditional expression such as foo ? bar : baz

A dot expression for accessing a property

A general expression.

An identifier name, either an ident or a keyword

A left hand side expression, either a member expression or a call expression such as foo().

A literal expression.

A member or new expression with subscripts. e.g. new foo, new Foo(), foo, or foo().bar[5]

An object literal such as { a: b, "b": 5 + 5 }.

An individual object property such as "a": b or 5: 6 + 6.

A parenthesis expression, also called a grouping expression.

A postifx expression, either LHSExpr [no linebreak] ++ or LHSExpr [no linebreak] --.

A primary expression such as a literal, an object, an array, or this.

A spread element consisting of three dots and an assignment expression such as

Dot, Array, or Call expr subscripts. Including optional chaining.

A template literal such as “abcd ${efg}

A unary expression such as !foo or ++bar