Expand description
A library that provides a frontend (loading source files and printing errors) for Jsonnet interpreters.
let source = b"local add_one(x) = x + 1; add_one(2)";
// Create the arena allocator.
let arena = rsjsonnet_lang::arena::Arena::new();
// Create a session, which will contain a `rsjsonnet_lang::program::Program`.
let mut session = rsjsonnet_front::Session::new(&arena);
// Load a virtual (i.e., not from the file system) source file into the program
let Some(thunk) = session.load_virt_file("<example>", source.to_vec()) else {
// `Session` printed the error for us
// Evaluate it
let Some(value) = session.eval_value(&thunk) else {
// `Session` printed the error for us
assert_eq!(value.as_number(), Some(3.0));
// Manifest the value
let Some(json_result) = session.manifest_json(&value, false) else {
// `Session` printed the error for us
assert_eq!(json_result, "3");