Module rsix::io::epoll[][src]

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epoll support.

This is an experiment, and it isn’t yet clear whether epoll is the right level of abstraction at which to introduce safety. But it works fairly well in simple examples 🙂.


use rsix::io::{
    epoll::{self, Epoll},
    ioctl_fionbio, read, write,
use rsix::net::{
    accept, bind_v4, listen, socket, AddressFamily, Ipv4Addr, Protocol, SocketAddr,
    SocketAddrV4, SocketType,
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use io_lifetimes::AsFd;

// Create a socket and listen on it.
let listen_sock = socket(AddressFamily::INET, SocketType::STREAM, Protocol::default())?;
bind_v4(&listen_sock, &SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST, 0))?;
listen(&listen_sock, 1)?;

// Create an epoll object. Using `Owning` here means the epoll object will
// take ownership of the file descriptors registered with it.
let epoll = Epoll::new(epoll::CreateFlags::CLOEXEC, epoll::Owning::new())?;

// Remember the socket raw fd, which we use for comparisons only.
let raw_listen_sock = listen_sock.as_fd().as_raw_fd();

// Register the socket with the epoll object.
epoll.add(listen_sock, epoll::EventFlags::IN)?;

// Process events.
let mut event_list = epoll::EventVec::with_capacity(4);
loop {
    epoll.wait(&mut event_list, -1)?;
    for (_event_flags, target) in &event_list {
        if target.as_raw_fd() == raw_listen_sock {
            // Accept a new connection, set it to non-blocking, and
            // register to be notified when it's ready to write to.
            let conn_sock = accept(&*target)?;
            ioctl_fionbio(&conn_sock, true)?;
                .add(conn_sock, epoll::EventFlags::OUT | epoll::EventFlags::ET)
        } else {
            // Write a message to the stream and then unregister it.
            write(&*target, b"hello\n")?;
            let _ = epoll.del(target)?;


A type implementing Context where the Data type is BorrowedFd<'a>.

EPOLL_* for use with Epoll::new.

An “epoll”, an interface to an OS object allowing one to repeatedly wait for events from a set of file descriptors efficiently.

EPOLL* for use with Epoll::add.

A type implementing Context where the Data type is T, a type implementing IntoFd and FromFd.

A reference to a T.


A trait for data stored within an Epoll instance.