Crate rsille

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This crate is a rust lib for making braille art.

You can use the basic canvas to paint something, or you can use Turtle to paint things like in python. And there are more useful things like colorful output, 3D object, life game and so on!


draw the sin(x)

use rsille::Canvas;
let mut c = Canvas::new();
for x in 0..1800 {
    let x = x as f64;
    c.set(x / 10.0, 15.0 + x.to_radians().sin() * 10.0);

draw a star

use rsille::{extra::Turtle, Canvas};
let mut c = Canvas::new();
let mut t = Turtle::new();
for _ in 0..5 {
c.paint(&t, 0.0, 15.0).unwrap();

life game

use rsille::{extra::LifeGame, Animation};
let lg =  LifeGame::from_path("path/to/rle").unwrap();
let mut anime = Animation::new();
anime.push(lg, |lg| lg.update(), (0.0, 0.0));;

Want more examples? check the examples


Useful things can paint on canvas:

  1. Object3d the 3d object
  2. Turtle similar to the turtle in python
  3. Imagille paint image to braille code
  4. Lifegame the life game in braille code


About (x, y), you can simply put on (0.0, 0.0) for one object, it will find the right position to paint. But if you want to build a animation or paint multiple objects, you may should find the right position by yourself.

For example, this is a dot:

$ ./path/to/file # your terminal
+--------+--------> x
+        ⣿
v y

This dot in terminal is (10, 4), because the left top corner is (1, 1). The y-axis is also facing down. It’s different from the math coordinate system.

But in the canvas, it’s use the math coordinate system, and include the braille. Like a braille code “⣿”, it has 2x4 dots, and it be thought as 8 dots not 1 dots. In the canvas, this dots B is x from 18.0 to 19.0, y from 8.0 to 11.0. And the dot A (the left top) is on (4.0, 11.0).

^ y
| A      B
+ ⠁      ⣿
+--------+--------> x

If you really don’t know how to find the right position. Just try to paint your things at anyway and try to move it to another place and try again. :) And try to set x > 0 and y < 0, then the object will always in the screen and won’t move.


It’s inspired by drawille, but it has more features and fast


  • Colors in Terminal
  • Some useful things can paint on the canvas
  • Some useful function to print styles in terminal


  • A help macro for plot functions easy

