Crate rsass

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Sass reimplemented in rust (not yet complete).

The “r” in the name might stand for the Rust programming language, for “re-implemented”, or possibly for my name Rasmus.


use rsass::{compile_scss_path, output};

let path = "tests/basic/14_imports/a.scss".as_ref();
let format = output::Format {
    style: output::Style::Compressed,
    .. Default::default()
let css = compile_scss_path(path, format).unwrap();

assert_eq!(css, b"div span{moo:goo}\n")

Sass language and implemetation status

The sass language is defined in its reference doc. This implementation is incomplete but getting there, if slowly.

Progress: 4604 of 6925 tests passed.

If you want a working rust library for sass right now, you may be better of with sass-rs or sass-alt, which are rust wrappers around libsass. Another alternative is grass which is another early stage pure rust implementation. That said, this implementation has reached a version where I find it usable for my personal projects, and the number of working tests are improving.


Types for css values and rules.
Finding and loading files.
Types describing how to format output.
Value and Item types (and some supporting) for sass.
Types used in sass and css values.


An error encountered when parsing sass.
Variables, functions and mixins are defined in a Scope.


Many functions in rsass that returns a Result uses this Error type.
Something invalid.
Tried to get something that does not exist from a scope.
A static or dynamic scope referece.


Parse scss data from a buffer and write css in the given style.
Parse a file of scss data and write css in the given style.
Parse a scss value from a buffer and write its css representation in the given format.
Parse a scss value.