Struct rs_graph::linkedlistgraph::LinkedListGraph [] [src]

pub struct LinkedListGraph<ID = u32> { /* fields omitted */ }

The linked list based graph data structure.


impl<ID> LinkedListGraph<ID> where
    ID: PrimInt + Unsigned

Trait Implementations

impl<'a, ID> Graph<'a> for LinkedListGraph<ID> where
    ID: 'a + PrimInt + Unsigned

Type of a node.

Type of an edge.

Type of an iterator over all nodes.

Type of an iterator over all edges.

Type of an iterator over incident edges.


Return the number of nodes.


Return the number of edges.


Return the nodes connected by an edge. Read more


Return an iterator over all nodes.


Return an iterator over all edges. Read more


Return an iterator over the edges adjacent to some node. Read more

impl<'a, ID> Digraph<'a> for LinkedListGraph<ID> where
    ID: 'a + PrimInt + Unsigned

Type of an iterator over the forward edges leaving a node.

Type of an iterator over the backward edges entering a node.


Return the source node of an edge.


Return the sink node of an edge.


Return an iterator over the outgoing edges of a node. Read more


Return an iterator over the incoming edges of a node. Read more

impl<'a, ID> Network<'a> for LinkedListGraph<ID> where
    ID: 'a + PrimInt + Unsigned


Return true if e is the reverse edge of f.


Return the reverse edge of e.


Return true if e is a forward edge.


Return the forward edge of e. Read more


Return true if e is a backward edge.


Return the backward edge of e. Read more


Return the source of the directed edge e. Read more


Return the sink of the directed edge e. Read more

impl<'a, ID> IndexGraph<'a> for LinkedListGraph<ID> where
    ID: 'a + PrimInt + Unsigned


Return a unique id associated with a node.


Return the node associated with the given id. Read more


Return a unique id associated with an edge. Read more


Return the edge associated with the given id. Read more

impl<'a, ID> IndexNetwork<'a> for LinkedListGraph<ID> where
    ID: 'a + PrimInt + Unsigned


Return the edge associated with the given id. Read more


Return a unique id associated with a directed edge. Read more

impl<ID> Builder for LinkedListGraph<ID> where
    ID: PrimInt + Unsigned

The graph type produced by this builder.

The type of a nodes.

The type of an edge.


Create a new, empty builder. Read more


Reserve memory for a certain number of nodes and edges.


Add a new node.


Add a new edge.


Return a unique id of a node.


Return a unique id of an edge.


Turn the builder into a graph.


Create a new, empty builder.


Add n new nodes.

impl<ID> Buildable for LinkedListGraph<ID> where
    ID: PrimInt + Unsigned

impl<ID> Default for LinkedListGraph<ID> where
    ID: PrimInt + Unsigned


Returns the "default value" for a type. Read more