Struct rs_graph::attributed::GraphAttrs [] [src]

pub struct GraphAttrs<'a, G, Gx, Nx, Ex, Ax> where
    G: 'a + Graph<'a>,
    Gx: 'a,
    Nx: 'a,
    Ex: 'a,
    Ax: 'a, 
{ /* fields omitted */ }

Accessor for graph attributes.

Trait Implementations

impl<'a, G, Gx, Nx, Ex, Ax> Attributes for GraphAttrs<'a, G, Gx, Nx, Ex, Ax> where
    G: IndexGraph<'a>, 

Type of nodes of the associated graph.

Type of edges of the associated graph.

Type of graph attributes.

Type of node attributes.

Type of edge attributes.

Return the graph attributes.

Return the graph attributes.

Return the attributes of a node.

Return the attributes of a node.

Return the attributes of an edge.

Return the attributes of an edge.

impl<'a, G, Gx, Nx, Ex, Ax> Deref for GraphAttrs<'a, G, Gx, Nx, Ex, Ax> where
    G: IndexGraph<'a>, 

The resulting type after dereferencing

The method called to dereference a value

impl<'a, G, Gx, Nx, Ex, Ax> DerefMut for GraphAttrs<'a, G, Gx, Nx, Ex, Ax> where
    G: IndexGraph<'a>, 

The method called to mutably dereference a value

impl<'a, G, Gx, Nx, Ex, Ax> NetworkAttributes for GraphAttrs<'a, G, Gx, Nx, Ex, Ax> where
    G: IndexNetwork<'a>, 

Type of biedge attributes.

Return the attributes of a biedge.

Return the attributes of a biedge.