rrc 0.2.0

A manage remote repository clones
rrc-0.2.0 is not a library.

rrc - Manage remote repository clones


rrc is a remote repository management tool like ghq written in Rust.

rrc provides a way to organize remote repository clones, like go get does.

rrc makes a directory under a specific root directory (by default ~/repos) using the remote repository URL’s host and path.


$ cargo install rrc


rrc command is almost compatible with ghq.

A manage remote repository clones


    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --config <FILE>    Set config file

    each      Execute command for each local repositories
    get       Clone remote repository
    help      Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    list      List local repositories
    look      Look local repository
    remove    Remove local repositories
    update    Update local repositories

For how to use this tool, ghq-handbook will be helpful.


rrc provides a simple toml-style configuration file.

The configuration file can set profile name in the section. You can then select a profile with command line options. And you can also set host filters. If you set a host filter, it will be enabled across profiles.

# default profile
# customize repo root path
root = "~/repos"

# personal profile
# customize repo root path
root = "~/personal_repos"
# hosts filter. gitlab repository cloned '~/personal_repos'
hosts = ["gitlab.com"]