Trait rquickjs::ClassDef[][src]

pub trait ClassDef {
    pub const CLASS_NAME: &'static str;
    pub const HAS_PROTO: bool;
    pub const HAS_STATIC: bool;
    pub const HAS_REFS: bool;

    pub unsafe fn class_id() -> &'static mut ClassId;

    pub fn init_proto(_ctx: Ctx<'js>, _proto: &Object<'js>) -> Result<(), Error> { ... }
pub fn init_static(
        _ctx: Ctx<'js>,
        _static: &Object<'js>
    ) -> Result<(), Error> { ... }
pub fn mark_refs(&self, _marker: &RefsMarker) { ... }
pub fn into_js_obj(self, ctx: Ctx<'js>) -> Result<Value<'js>, Error> { ... }
pub fn from_js_ref(
        ctx: Ctx<'js>,
        value: Value<'js>
    ) -> Result<&'js Self, Error> { ... }
pub fn from_js_mut(
        ctx: Ctx<'js>,
        value: Value<'js>
    ) -> Result<&'js mut Self, Error> { ... }
pub fn from_js_obj(ctx: Ctx<'js>, value: Value<'js>) -> Result<Self, Error>
        Self: Clone
, { ... } }
This is supported on crate feature classes only.

The ES6 class definition trait

This trait helps export rust data types to QuickJS so JS code can interoperate with it as with usual ES6 classes. Usually implementing this trait only is not enough to introduce class. At least IntoJs trait should be implemented for transfering class instances to JS side. Get be able call methods or get access to class properties the FromJs trait should be implemented for class reference and for mutable reference when needed.

NOTE: Usually no need implements this trait manually. Instead you can use class_def macro or bind attribute to export classes to JS in easy way.

struct MyClass;

impl ClassDef for MyClass {
    const CLASS_NAME: &'static str = "MyClass";

    unsafe fn class_id() -> &'static mut ClassId {
        static mut CLASS_ID: ClassId = ClassId::new();
        &mut CLASS_ID

    // With prototype
    const HAS_PROTO: bool = true;
    fn init_proto<'js>(ctx: Ctx<'js>, proto: &Object<'js>) -> Result<()> {

    // With statics
    const HAS_STATIC: bool = true;
    fn init_static<'js>(ctx: Ctx<'js>, ctor: &Object<'js>) -> Result<()> {

    // With internal references
    const HAS_REFS: bool = true;
    fn mark_refs(&self, marker: &RefsMarker) {
        // marker.mark(&self.some_persistent_value);

impl<'js> IntoJs<'js> for MyClass {
    fn into_js(self, ctx: Ctx<'js>) -> Result<Value<'js>> {

impl<'js> FromJs<'js> for &'js MyClass {
    fn from_js(ctx: Ctx<'js>, value: Value<'js>) -> Result<Self> {
        MyClass::from_js_ref(ctx, value)

impl<'js> FromJs<'js> for &'js mut MyClass {
    fn from_js(ctx: Ctx<'js>, value: Value<'js>) -> Result<Self> {
        MyClass::from_js_mut(ctx, value)

impl<'js> FromJs<'js> for MyClass {
    fn from_js(ctx: Ctx<'js>, value: Value<'js>) -> Result<Self> {
        MyClass::from_js_obj(ctx, value)

Associated Constants

pub const CLASS_NAME: &'static str[src]

The name of a class

pub const HAS_PROTO: bool[src]

The class has prototype

pub const HAS_STATIC: bool[src]

The class has static data

pub const HAS_REFS: bool[src]

The class has internal references to JS values

Needed for correct garbage collection

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Required methods

pub unsafe fn class_id() -> &'static mut ClassId[src]

The reference to class identifier


This method should return reference to mutable static class id which should be initialized to zero.

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Provided methods

pub fn init_proto(_ctx: Ctx<'js>, _proto: &Object<'js>) -> Result<(), Error>[src]

The prototype initializer method

pub fn init_static(_ctx: Ctx<'js>, _static: &Object<'js>) -> Result<(), Error>[src]

The static initializer method

pub fn mark_refs(&self, _marker: &RefsMarker)[src]

Mark internal references to JS values

Should be implemented to work with garbage collector

pub fn into_js_obj(self, ctx: Ctx<'js>) -> Result<Value<'js>, Error>[src]

Convert an instance of class into JS object

This method helps implement IntoJs trait for classes

pub fn from_js_ref(ctx: Ctx<'js>, value: Value<'js>) -> Result<&'js Self, Error>[src]

Get reference from JS object

This method helps implement FromJs trait for classes

pub fn from_js_mut(
    ctx: Ctx<'js>,
    value: Value<'js>
) -> Result<&'js mut Self, Error>

Get mutable reference from JS object

This method helps implement FromJs trait for classes

pub fn from_js_obj(ctx: Ctx<'js>, value: Value<'js>) -> Result<Self, Error> where
    Self: Clone

Get an instance of class from JS object

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