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🐏 rpmalloc-sys

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Unsafe FFI bindings to rpmalloc C library


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Licensed under either of

at your option.

Note that the rpmalloc library this crate uses is under public domain, and can also be licensed under MIT.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


Global memory statistics

Memory size statistics for a thread

Mmemory span statistics for a thread

Memory statistics for a thread


Equivalent to C’s void type when used as a pointer.


Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and alignment. Alignment must be a power of two and a multiple of sizeof(void*), and should ideally be less than memory page size. A caveat of rpmalloc internals is that this must also be strictly less than the span size (default 64KiB)

Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and alignment, and zero initialize it. Alignment must be a power of two and a multiple of sizeof(void*), and should ideally be less than memory page size. A caveat of rpmalloc internals is that this must also be strictly less than the span size (default 64KiB)

Reallocate the given block to at least the given size and alignment, with optional control flags (see RPMALLOC_NO_PRESERVE). Alignment must be a power of two and a multiple of sizeof(void*), and should ideally be less than memory page size. A caveat of rpmalloc internals is that this must also be strictly less than the span size (default 64KiB)

Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and zero initialize it

Free the given memory block

Allocate a memory block of at least the given size

Dump all statistics in human readable format to file (should be a FILE*)

Finalize allocator

Get global statistics

Initialize allocator with default configuration

Query if allocator is initialized for calling thread

Perform deferred deallocations pending for the calling thread hea

Finalize allocator for calling thread

Initialize allocator for calling thread

Get per-thread statistics

Query the usable size of the given memory block (from given pointer to the end of block)

Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and alignment. Alignment must be a power of two and a multiple of sizeof(void*), and should ideally be less than memory page size. A caveat of rpmalloc internals is that this must also be strictly less than the span size (default 64KiB)

Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and alignment. Alignment must be a power of two and a multiple of sizeof(void*), and should ideally be less than memory page size. A caveat of rpmalloc internals is that this must also be strictly less than the span size (default 64KiB)

Reallocate the given block to at least the given size

Type Definitions