pub trait VrpSource: Clone + Sync + Send + 'static {
    type FullIter: Iterator<Item = Payload> + Sync + Send + 'static;
    type DiffIter: Iterator<Item = (Action, Payload)> + Sync + Send + 'static;

    fn ready(&self) -> bool;
    fn notify(&self) -> State;
    fn full(&self) -> (State, Self::FullIter);
    fn diff(&self, state: State) -> Option<(State, Self::DiffIter)>;
    fn timing(&self) -> Timing;
Expand description

A source of VRPs for an RTR server.

A type implementing this trait can be used by the Server as a source for VRPs. The server needs four things from such a source:

  • the current state of the source through the notify method,
  • an iterator over the full set of VRPs via the full method,
  • an iterator over the difference of the data between the given state and the current state via the diff method, and
  • the current timing values via the timing method.

The server will never ask for any of these things unless the ready method returns true. This allows the source to finish its initial validation.

Required Associated Types

An iterator over the complete set of VRPs.

An iterator over a difference between two sets of VRPs.

Required Methods

Returns whether the source is ready to serve data.

Returns the current state of the source.

This is used by the source when sending out a serial notify .

Returns the current state and an iterator over the full set of VRPs.

Returns the current state and an interator over differences in VPRs.

The difference is between the state given in state and the current state. If the source cannot provide this difference, for instance because the serial is too old, it returns None instead.

Returns the timing information for the current state.
