\brief Add an alarm callback to be called at a specific time
\ingroup alarm
\brief Add a repeating timer that is called repeatedly at the specified interval in microseconds
\ingroup repeating_timer
\brief Cancel an alarm
\ingroup alarm
\param pool the alarm_pool containing the alarm
\param alarm_id the alarm
\return true if the alarm was cancelled, false if it didn’t exist
\sa alarm_id_t for a note on reuse of IDs
\brief Create an alarm pool
\brief Destroy the alarm pool, cancelling all alarms and freeing up the underlying hardware alarm
\ingroup alarm
\param pool the pool
\return the hardware alarm used by the pool
\brief The default alarm pool used when alarms are added without specifying an alarm pool,
and also used by the Pico SDK to support lower power sleeps and timeouts.
\brief Return the hardware alarm used by an alarm pool
\ingroup alarm
\param pool the pool
\return the hardware alarm used by the pool
\brief Create the default alarm pool (if not already created or disabled)
\ingroup alarm
\brief Helper method for blocking on a timeout
\ingroup sleep
\brief Busy wait wasting cycles until after the specified timestamp
\ingroup hardware_timer
\brief Busy wait wasting cycles for the given (64 bit) number of microseconds
\ingroup hardware_timer
\brief Busy wait wasting cycles for the given (32 bit) number of microseconds
\ingroup hardware_timer
\brief Cancel a repeating timer
\ingroup repeating_timer
\param timer the repeating timer to cancel
\return true if the repeating timer was cancelled, false if it didn’t exist
\sa alarm_id_t for a note on reuse of IDs
\brief Check if a given system clock frequency is valid/attainable
\ingroup pico_stdlib
\brief Return a character from stdin if there is one available within a timeout
\ingroup pico_stdio
\brief Acknowledge a GPIO interrupt
\ingroup hardware_gpio
\brief Initialise a GPIO for (enabled I/O and set func to GPIO_FUNC_SIO)
\ingroup hardware_gpio
\brief Initialise multiple GPIOs (enabled I/O and set func to GPIO_FUNC_SIO)
\ingroup hardware_gpio
\brief Enable dormant wake up interrupt for specified GPIO
\ingroup hardware_gpio
\brief Select GPIO function
\ingroup hardware_gpio
\brief Select GPIO input override
\ingroup hardware_gpio
\brief Enable GPIO input
\ingroup hardware_gpio
\brief Enable or disable interrupts for specified GPIO
\ingroup hardware_gpio
\brief Enable interrupts for specified GPIO
\ingroup hardware_gpio
\brief Select GPIO output enable override
\ingroup hardware_gpio
\brief Set GPIO output override
\ingroup hardware_gpio
\brief Select up and down pulls on specific GPIO
\ingroup hardware_gpio
\brief Cancel an existing target (if any) for a given hardware_alarm
\brief cooperatively claim the use of this hardware alarm_num
\ingroup hardware_timer
\brief Enable/Disable a callback for a hardware timer on this core
\ingroup hardware_timer
\brief Set the current target for the specified hardware alarm
\brief cooperatively release the claim on use of this hardware alarm_num
\ingroup hardware_timer
\brief Initialise the system clock to 48MHz
\ingroup pico_stdlib
\brief Initialise the system clock
\ingroup pico_stdlib
\brief Set up the default UART and assign it to the default GPIO’s
\ingroup pico_stdlib
\brief Wait for the given number of milliseconds before returning
\ingroup sleep
\brief Wait until after the given timestamp to return
\ingroup sleep
\brief Wait for the given number of microseconds before returning
\ingroup sleep
\brief Control limiting of output to a single driver
\ingroup pico_stdio
\brief Initialize all of the present standard stdio types that are linked into the binary.
\ingroup pico_stdio
\brief Initialize all of the present standard stdio types that are linked into the binary.
\ingroup pico_stdio
\brief Adds or removes a driver from the list of active drivers used for input/output
\ingroup pico_stdio
\brief control conversion of line feeds to carriage return on transmissions
\ingroup pico_stdio
\brief Return the current 64 bit timestamp value in microseconds
\ingroup hardware_timer
\brief DeInitialise a UART
\ingroup hardware_uart
\brief Initialise a UART
\ingroup hardware_uart
\brief Wait for up to a certain number of microseconds for the RX FIFO to be non empty
\ingroup hardware_uart
\brief Set UART baud rate
\ingroup hardware_uart
\brief Set CR/LF conversion on UART
\ingroup hardware_uart