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The paper Writing R Extensions in Rust complements Writing R Extensions (the official guide for writing R extensions) for those interested in developing R packages using Rust. It highlights idiosyncrasies of R and Rust that must be addressed by any integration and describes how to develop Rust-based packages which comply with the CRAN Repository Policy. The paper introduces the cargo framework, a transparent Rust-based API which wraps commonly-used parts of R’s API with minimal overhead and allows a programmer to easily add additional wrappers.

This crate provides the Rust API for the cargo framework. Of particular note is the Rval structure and its functions.


pub use r::NewProtected;
pub use r::Pc;
pub use r::Rval;
pub use r::TryNewProtected;


Extension Framework for R using Rust

Automatically Generated Bindings for R’s C API.


Just like Rust’s usual eprint! macro, except output goes to the R console.

Just like Rust’s usual eprintln! macro, except output goes to the R console.

Just like Rust’s usual print! macro, except output goes to the R console.

Just like Rust’s usual println! macro, except output goes to the R console.

Attribute Macros

A procedural macro to facilitate calling a Rust function from R.