Crate roux

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This crate provides simple access to the Reddit API.

§Using OAuth

To create an OAuth client with the reddit API, use the Reddit class.

use roux::Reddit;

let client = Reddit::new("USER_AGENT", "CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET")
let me = client.unwrap();

It is important that you pick a good user agent. The ideal format is platform:program:version (by /u/yourname), e.g. macos:roux:v0.3.0 (by /u/beanpup_py).

This will authticate you as the user given in the username function.


Using the OAuth client, you can:

§Submit A Text Post

use roux::Reddit;

let client = Reddit::new("USER_AGENT", "CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET")
let me = client.unwrap();

me.submit_text("TEXT_TITLE", "TEXT_BODY", "SUBREDDIT");

§Submit A Link Post

use roux::Reddit;

let client = Reddit::new("USER_AGENT", "CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET")
let me = client.unwrap();




Type Aliases§