Crate route_verification_common_regex



  • A set’s name is an rpsl word with the following restrictions: All as-set names start with prefix “as-”. All route-set names start with prefix “rs-”. All rtr-set names start with prefix “rtrs-”. All filter-set names start with prefix “fltr-”. All peering-set names start with prefix “prng-”. For example, as-foo is a valid as-set name.


  • Formats constants of primitive types into a &'static str
  • Lazy case-insensitive regex.


  • Represents the capture groups for a single match.
  • A value which is initialized on the first access.
  • A thread-safe cell which can be written to only once.
  • A compiled regular expression for searching Unicode haystacks.
  • A configurable builder for a Regex.



  • A trait for types that can be used to replace matches in a haystack.