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The rouille library is very easy to get started with.

Listening to a port is done by calling the start_server function:

use rouille::Request;
use rouille::Response;

rouille::start_server("", move |request| {
    Response::text("hello world")

Whenever an HTTP request is received on the address passed as first parameter, the closure passed as second parameter is called. This closure must then return a Response that will be sent back to the client.

See the documentation of start_server for more details.

Analyzing the request

The parameter that the closure receives is a Request object that represents the request made by the client.

The Request object itself provides some getters, but most advanced functionalities are provided by other modules of this crate.

  • In order to dispatch between various code depending on the URL, you can use the router! macro.
  • In order to analyze the body of the request, like handling JSON input, form input, etc. you can take a look at the input module.

Returning a response

Once you analyzed the request, it is time to return a response by returning a Response object.

All the members of Response are public, so you can customize it as you want. There are also several constructors that you build a basic Response which can then modify.

In order to serve static files, take a look at the match_assets function.

In order to apply content encodings (including compression such as gzip or deflate), see the content_encoding module, and specifically the content_encoding::apply function.


pub extern crate percent_encoding;
pub extern crate url;


Allows you to let an external process handle the request through CGI.
Apply content encodings (such as gzip compression) to the response.
Analyze the request’s headers and body.
Dispatch a request to another HTTP server.
Sessions handling.
Support for websockets.


Dispatches between blocks depending on the value of the Accept header.
This macro assumes that the current function returns a Response. If the condition you pass to the macro is false, then a 400 response is returned.
Evaluates each parameter until one of them evaluates to something else than a 404 error code.
Parse input from HTML forms. See the post module for general documentation.
Equivalent to a match expression but for routes.
This macro assumes that the current function returns a Response and takes a Result. If the expression you pass to the macro is an error, then a 400 response is returned.
This macro assumes that the current function returns a Response and takes a Result. If the expression you pass to the macro is an error, then a 404 response is returned.


Iterator to the list of headers in a request.
Represents a request that your handler must answer to.
Gives access to the body of a request.
Contains a prototype of a response.
An opaque type that represents the body of a response.
A listening server.



Dummy trait that regroups the Read and Write traits.
Trait for objects that can take ownership of a raw connection to the client data.


Returns the mime type of a file based on its extension, or application/octet-stream if the extension is unknown.
Adds a log entry to the given writer for each request.
Calls custom logging functions after processing a request.
Searches inside path for a file that matches the given request. If a file is found, returns a Response that would serve this file if returned. If no file is found, a 404 response is returned instead.
Starts a server and uses the given requests handler.
Identical to start_server but uses a ThreadPool of the given size.