Crate rosomaxa

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This crate exposes a generalized hyper heuristics and some helper functionality which can be used to build a solver for optimization problems.


This example demonstrates the usage of example models and heuristics to minimize Rosenbrock function. For the sake of minimalism, there is a pre-built solver and heuristic operator models. Check example module to see how to use functionality of the crate for an arbitrary domain.

use rosomaxa::prelude::*;
use rosomaxa::example::*;

let random = Arc::new(DefaultRandom::default());
// examples of heuristic operator, they are domain specific. Essentially, heuristic operator
// is responsible to produce a new, potentially better solution from the given one.
let noise_op = VectorHeuristicOperatorMode::JustNoise(Noise::new(1., (-0.1, 0.1), random));
let delta_op = VectorHeuristicOperatorMode::JustDelta(-0.1..0.1);
let delta_power_op = VectorHeuristicOperatorMode::JustDelta(-0.5..0.5);

// add some configuration and run the solver
let (solutions, _) = Solver::default()
    .with_init_solutions(vec![vec![2., 2.]])
    .with_search_operator(noise_op, "noise", 1.)
    .with_search_operator(delta_op, "delta", 0.2)
    .with_termination(Some(5), Some(1000), None, None)
    .expect("cannot build and use solver");

// expecting at least one solution with fitness close to 0
assert_eq!(solutions.len(), 1);
let (_, fitness) = solutions.first().unwrap();
assert!(*fitness < 0.001);


A collection of reusable algorithms without dependencies on any other module in the project.
Contains functionality to run evolution simulation.
This module contains example models and logic to demonstrate practical usage of rosomaxa crate.
This module contains a hyper-heuristic logic.
Specifies population types.
This module reimports a common used types.
The termination module contains logic which defines termination criteria for metaheuristic, e.g. when to stop evolution in evolutionary algorithms.
This module contains helper functionality.


A refinement statistics to track evolution progress.
A default heuristic context implementation which uses telemetry to track search progression parameters.


Defines instant refinement speed type.


Represents heuristic context.
Represents a heuristic objective function.
Represents solution in population defined as actual solution.
A trait which specifies object with state behavior.


Gets default population algorithm.
Gets default population selection size.

Type Definitions

Specifies a dynamically dispatched type for heuristic population.
Specifies a heuristic result type.