
  • ExemptionType : ExemptionType is used to indicate if the live balance for an account subject to a BalanceExemption could increase above, decrease below, or equal the computed balance. * greater_or_equal: The live balance may increase above or equal the computed balance. This typically occurs with staking rewards that accrue on each block. * less_or_equal: The live balance may decrease below or equal the computed balance. This typically occurs as balance moves from locked to spendable on a vesting account. * dynamic: The live balance may increase above, decrease below, or equal the computed balance. This typically occurs with tokens that have a dynamic supply. ExemptionType is used to indicate if the live balance for an account subject to a BalanceExemption could increase above, decrease below, or equal the computed balance. * greater_or_equal: The live balance may increase above or equal the computed balance. This typically occurs with staking rewards that accrue on each block. * less_or_equal: The live balance may decrease below or equal the computed balance. This typically occurs as balance moves from locked to spendable on a vesting account. * dynamic: The live balance may increase above, decrease below, or equal the computed balance. This typically occurs with tokens that have a dynamic supply.