Module rosenpass::protocol

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Module containing the cryptographic protocol implementation


The most important types in this module probably are PollResult & CryptoServer. Once a CryptoServer is created, the server is provided with new messages via the CryptoServer::handle_msg method. The CryptoServer::poll method can be used to let the server work, which will eventually yield a PollResult. Said PollResult contains prescriptive activities to be carried out. CryptoServer::osk can than be used to extract the shared key for two peers, once a key-exchange was successful.

TODO explain briefly the role of epki

§Example Handshake

This example illustrates a minimal setup for a key-exchange between two CryptoServer.

use rosenpass::{
    pqkem::{StaticKEM, KEM},
    protocol::{SSk, SPk, MsgBuf, PeerPtr, CryptoServer, SymKey},

// always init libsodium before anything

// initialize secret and public key for peer a ...
let (mut peer_a_sk, mut peer_a_pk) = (SSk::zero(), SPk::zero());
StaticKEM::keygen(peer_a_sk.secret_mut(), peer_a_pk.secret_mut())?;

// ... and for peer b
let (mut peer_b_sk, mut peer_b_pk) = (SSk::zero(), SPk::zero());
StaticKEM::keygen(peer_b_sk.secret_mut(), peer_b_pk.secret_mut())?;

// initialize server and a pre-shared key
let psk = SymKey::random();
let mut a = CryptoServer::new(peer_a_sk, peer_a_pk.clone());
let mut b = CryptoServer::new(peer_b_sk, peer_b_pk.clone());

// introduce peers to each other
a.add_peer(Some(psk.clone()), peer_b_pk)?;
b.add_peer(Some(psk), peer_a_pk)?;

// declare buffers for message exchange
let (mut a_buf, mut b_buf) = (MsgBuf::zero(), MsgBuf::zero());

// let a initiate a handshake
let mut maybe_len = Some(a.initiate_handshake(PeerPtr(0), a_buf.as_mut_slice())?);

// let a and b communicate
while let Some(len) = maybe_len {
   maybe_len = b.handle_msg(&a_buf[..len], &mut b_buf[..])?.resp;
   std::mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b);
   std::mem::swap(&mut a_buf, &mut b_buf);

// all done! Extract the shared keys and ensure they are identical
let a_key = a.osk(PeerPtr(0))?;
let b_key = b.osk(PeerPtr(0))?;
assert_eq!(a_key.secret(), b_key.secret(),
    "the key exchanged failed to establish a shared secret");






Type Aliases§