Module rosenpass::msgs

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Data structures representing the messages going over the wire

This module contains de-/serialization of the protocol’s messages. Thats kind of a lie, since no actual ser/de happens. Instead, the structures offer views into mutable byte slices (&mut [u8]), allowing to modify the fields of an always serialized instance of the data in question. This is closely related to the concept of lenses in function programming; more on that here:


The following example uses the data_lense macro to create a lense that might be useful when dealing with UDP headers.

use rosenpass::{data_lense, RosenpassError, msgs::LenseView};

data_lense! {UdpDatagramHeader :=
    source_port: 2,
    dest_port: 2,
    length: 2,
    checksum: 2

let mut buf = [0u8; 8];

// read-only lense, no check of size:
let lense = UdpDatagramHeader(&buf);
assert_eq!(lense.checksum(), &[0, 0]);

// mutable lense, runtime check of size
let mut lense = buf.as_mut().udp_datagram_header()?;
lense.source_port_mut().copy_from_slice(&53u16.to_be_bytes()); // some DNS, anyone?

// the original buffer is still available
assert_eq!(buf, [0, 53, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);

// read-only lense, runtime check of size
let lense = buf.as_ref().udp_datagram_header()?;
assert_eq!(lense.source_port(), &[0, 53]);


  • A data lense to manipulate byte slices.
  • A data lense to manipulate byte slices.
  • A data lense to manipulate byte slices.
  • A data lense to manipulate byte slices.
  • A data lense to manipulate byte slices.
  • A data lense to manipulate byte slices.
  • A data lense to manipulate byte slices.
  • A data lense to manipulate byte slices.




  • Extension trait to allow checked creation of a lense over some byte slice that contains a Biscuit
  • Extension trait to allow checked creation of a lense over some byte slice that contains a CookieReply
  • Extension trait to allow checked creation of a lense over some byte slice that contains a DataMsg
  • Extension trait to allow checked creation of a lense over some byte slice that contains a EmptyData
  • Extension trait to allow checked creation of a lense over some byte slice that contains a Envelope
  • Extension trait to allow checked creation of a lense over some byte slice that contains a InitConf
  • Extension trait to allow checked creation of a lense over some byte slice that contains a InitHello
  • Common trait shared by all Lenses
  • Extension trait to allow checked creation of a lense over some byte slice that contains a RespHello