Expand description

rofi-mode provides a high-level ergonomic wrapper around Rofi’s C plugin API.

Getting started

First of all, create a new library with cargo new --lib my_awesome_plugin and add these lines to the Cargo.toml:

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

That will force Cargo to generate your library as a .so file, which is what Rofi loads its plugins from.

Now in your lib.rs, create a struct and implement the Mode trait for it. For example, here is a no-op mode with no entries:

struct Mode;

impl rofi_mode::Mode<'_> for Mode {
    const NAME: &'static str = "an-example-mode\0";
    fn init(_api: rofi_mode::Api<'_>) -> Result<Self, ()> {
    fn entries(&mut self) -> usize { 0 }
    fn entry_content(&self, _line: usize) -> rofi_mode::String { unreachable!() }
    fn react(
        &mut self,
        _event: rofi_mode::Event,
        _input: &mut rofi_mode::String,
    ) -> rofi_mode::Action {
    fn matches(&self, _line: usize, _matcher: rofi_mode::Matcher<'_>) -> bool {

You then need to export your mode to Rofi via the export_mode! macro:


Build your library using cargo build then copy the resulting dylib file (e.g. /target/debug/libmy_awesome_plugin.so) into /lib/rofi so that Rofi will pick up on it when it starts up (alternatively, you can set the ROFI_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable to the directory your .so file is in). You can then run your mode from Rofi’s command line:

rofi -modi an-example-mode -show an-example-mode


pub use cairo;
pub use pango;
pub use rofi_plugin_sys as ffi;
pub use api::Api;


Interface to Rofi’s API.


Declare a mode to be exported by this crate.

Format a Rofi String using interpolation of runtime expressions.


A collection of attributes that can be applied to text.

A pattern matcher.

A UTF-8-encoded growable string buffer suitable for FFI with Rofi.

The style of a text entry in the list.


An action caused by reacting to an Event.

An event triggered by the user.


A mode supported by Rofi.


Format a Rofi String using a set of format arguments.

Convert an implementation of Mode to its raw FFI Mode struct.