Crate rocket_governor

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§rocket-governor - rate-limiting implementation for Rocket web framework

Provides the rocket guard implementing rate-limiting (based on governor).

Declare a struct and use it with the generic RocketGovernor guard.
This requires to implement trait RocketGovernable for your struct.


use rocket::{catchers, get, http::Status, launch, routes};
use rocket_governor::{rocket_governor_catcher, Method, Quota, RocketGovernable, RocketGovernor};

pub struct RateLimitGuard;

impl<'r> RocketGovernable<'r> for RateLimitGuard {
    fn quota(_method: Method, _route_name: &str) -> Quota {

fn route_example(_limitguard: RocketGovernor<RateLimitGuard>) -> Status {

fn launch_rocket() -> _ {
        .mount("/", routes![route_example])
        .register("/", catchers![rocket_governor_catcher])

See rocket-governor Github project for more information.


§Optional feature limit_info

There is the optional feature limit_info which enables reporting about rate limits in HTTP headers of requests.

The implementation is based on headers of The feature provides a default implementation of a Rocket fairing which need to be used to get the HTTP headers set.

See API documentation for LimitHeaderGen.

For usage depend on it in Cargo.toml

rocket-governor = { version = "...", features = ["limit_info"] }

§Optional feature logger

There is the optional feature logger which enables some logging output.

For usage depend on it in Cargo.toml

rocket-governor = { version = "...", features = ["logger"] }






Type Aliases§

  • An integer that is known not to equal zero.