pub trait InventoryPath {
    fn parts(&self) -> Split<'_, char>;
fn parent(&self) -> Self;
fn filename(&self) -> &str;
fn resolve(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;
fn ends_with(&self, suffix: &str) -> bool;
fn starts_with(&self, prefix: &str) -> bool;
fn as_path(&self) -> &Path;
fn as_str(&self) -> &str;
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool; }

Required methods

Returns an iterable containing each segment of the path split on the / separator

Returns the parent path of this path.

Returns the part of the logical path that’s after the final / or the entire path if there is no /

Creates a new path by joining this path with another

Returns true if the path ends with the given suffix

Returns true if the path starts with the given prefix

Returns a reference to the path represented as a Path

Returns a reference to the path represented as a str

Returns true if the path is empty
