Trait robusta_jni::convert::unchecked::FromJavaValue[][src]

pub trait FromJavaValue<'env: 'borrow, 'borrow>: Signature {
    type Source: JavaValue<'env>;

    const SIG_TYPE: &'static str;

    fn from(s: Self::Source, env: &'borrow JNIEnv<'env>) -> Self;
Expand description

Conversion trait from Java values to Rust values, analogous to From. Used when converting types that are input to JNI-available functions.

Notes on derive macro

The same notes on TryFromJavaValue apply.

Associated Types

Conversion source type.

Associated Constants

Signature of the target type. By default, use the one defined on the Signature trait for the implementing type.

Required methods

Perform the conversion.

Implementations on Foreign Types
