Crate rn2xx3[][src]

Expand description


A no_std / embedded_hal compatible Rust driver for the RN2483 and the RN2903 LoRaWAN modules. The library works without any dynamic allocations.


First, configure a serial port using a crate that implements the serial traits from embedded_hal, for example serial.

use std::time::Duration;
use linux_embedded_hal::Serial;
use serial::{self, core::SerialPort};

// Serial port settings
let settings = serial::PortSettings {
    baud_rate: serial::Baud57600,
    char_size: serial::Bits8,
    parity: serial::ParityNone,
    stop_bits: serial::Stop1,
    flow_control: serial::FlowNone,

// Open serial port
let mut port = serial::open("/dev/ttyACM0").expect("Could not open serial port");
    .expect("Could not configure serial port");
    .expect("Could not set serial port timeout");
let serialport = Serial(port);

Then initialize the driver, either for the RN2483 or for the RN2903, on your desired frequency:

use rn2xx3;

// RN2483 at 868 MHz
let rn = rn2xx3::rn2483_868(serialport);

// RN2483 at 433 MHz
let rn = rn2xx3::rn2483_433(serialport);

// RN2903 at 915 MHz
let rn = rn2xx3::rn2903_915(serialport);

After initializing, it’s a good idea to clear the serial buffers and ensure a “known good state”.

rn.ensure_known_state().expect("Error while preparing device");

Now you can read information from the module and join, e.g. via OTAA:

use rn2xx3::{ConfirmationMode, JoinMode};

// Reset module
println!("Resetting module...\n");
rn.reset().expect("Could not reset");

// Show device info
println!("== Device info ==\n");
let hweui = rn.hweui().expect("Could not read hweui");
println!("     HW-EUI: {}", hweui);
let model = rn.model().expect("Could not read model");
println!("      Model: {:?}", model);
let version = rn.version().expect("Could not read version");
println!("    Version: {}", version);
let vdd = rn.vdd().expect("Could not read vdd");
println!("Vdd voltage: {} mV", vdd);

// Set keys
println!("Setting keys...");
rn.set_app_eui_hex("0011223344556677").expect("Could not set app EUI");
rn.set_app_key_hex("0011223344556677889900aabbccddee").expect("Could not set app key");

// Join
println!("Joining via OTAA...");
rn.join(JoinMode::Otaa).expect("Could not join");

// Send data
let fport = 1u8;
rn.transmit_slice(ConfirmationMode::Unconfirmed, fport, &[23, 42]).expect("Could not transmit data");

For more examples, refer to the examples directory in the source repository.


If you are running the driver from a platform that has access to std, you can also enable the optional logging feature to be able to see incoming and outgoing commands:

$ export RUST_LOG=debug
$ cargo run --features logging --example join_otaa ...
Resetting module...
[2020-03-03T20:41:42Z DEBUG rn2xx3] Sending command: "sys reset"
[2020-03-03T20:41:42Z DEBUG rn2xx3] Received response: "RN2483 1.0.3 Mar 22 2017 06:00:42"


Error types used in this driver.


The main driver instance.

Frequency type parameter for the RN2483 (433 MHz).

Frequency type parameter for the RN2483 (868 MHz).

Frequency type parameter for the RN2903 (915 MHz).


Whether to send an uplink as confirmed or unconfirmed message.

The data rates valid in Europe and China.

The data rates valid in the USA.

The join procedure.

List of all supported RN module models.


Marker trait implemented for all models / frequencies.


Create a new driver instance for the RN2483 (433 MHz), wrapping the specified serial port.

Create a new driver instance for the RN2483 (868 MHz), wrapping the specified serial port.

Create a new driver instance for the RN2903 (915 MHz), wrapping the specified serial port.