Module rmp_rpc::server [] [src]

Building blocks for building MessagePack-RPC servers.

Here is a server that returns the string "world" when a "hello" request is received, and that prints the method name of any notification it receives.

extern crate futures;
extern crate rmp_rpc;

use std::io;
use std::net::SocketAddr;

use futures::{future, BoxFuture};
use rmp_rpc::{Request, Notification};
use rmp_rpc::server::{Service, ServiceBuilder, serve};

// Our server is dead simple and does not have any attribute
struct ExampleServer;

// The Service trait defines how the server will handle the requests and notifications it
// receives.
impl Service for ExampleServer {
    type Error = io::Error;
    type T = &'static str;
    type E = String;

    fn handle_request(&mut self, request: &Request) -> BoxFuture<Result<Self::T, Self::E>, Self::Error> {
        Box::new(match request.method.as_str() {
            // return "world" if the request's method is "hello"
            "hello" => future::ok(Ok("world")),
            // otherwise, return an error
            method => future::ok(Err(format!("unknown method {}", method))),

    fn handle_notification(&mut self, notification: &Notification) -> BoxFuture<(), Self::Error> {
        // just pring the notification's method name
        Box::new(future::ok(println!("{}", notification.method.as_str())))

// Since a new instance of our server is created for each client, we need to have a builder
// type that builds ExampleServer instances. In this case, our builder type is ExampleServer
// itself, but it could be any other type.
impl ServiceBuilder for ExampleServer {
    type Service = ExampleServer;

    fn build(&self) -> Self::Service { self.clone() }

fn main() {
    let addr: SocketAddr = "".parse().unwrap();
    // start the server. This block indefinitely
    serve(&addr, ExampleServer);



The Service trait defines how the server handles the requests and notifications it receives.


Since a new Service is created for each client, it is necessary to have a builder type that implements the ServiceBuilder trait.



Create a tokio event loop and run the given Service on it.