rmc 1.1.1

a tool to move and copy files
rmc-1.1.1 is not a library.

rmc(rust move copy)

rmc(rust move copy) is a rust program to move and copy files. rmc is not designed to be used in production or any meaningful use but rather a learning project on creating cli tools.


To install rmc visit the Releases page and download the latest version for your OS.


to use rmc simply call rmc with the choice and input and output file.

rmc --choice <choice> <FILE> <FILE>

using --help will list all options for rmc.

Usage: rmc --choice <choice> <FILE> <FILE>

  <FILE>  file input
  <FILE>  file output

  -c, --choice <choice>  m, c, rc
  -h, --help             Print help
  -V, --version          Print version```