Crate rivulet[][src]

Expand description

Rivulet is a library for creating asynchronous pipelines of contiguous data.

Main features, at a glance:

  • Asynchronous: Pipeline components are async-aware, allowing more control over task priority and data backpressure.
  • Contiguous views: Data is always contiguous, accessible by a single slice.
  • Modular: Pipelines can be combined and reused using common interfaces.

Getting started

The most basic interface is a View. Streams of data in rivulet are like slices, but you can’t access the entire slice at once. A View is sliding window over the stream, requiring only a small portion of the stream to be in memory.

A SplittableView is a special view that can split into multiple, simultaneously available views for use with multiple readers and writers.

This crate provides a few stream implementations, but the most notable is the circular_buffer, which is optimized for asynchronous contiguous data access.


Let’s create a simple averaging downsampler pipeline.

use rivulet::{View, ViewMut};
use futures::future::TryFutureExt;

/// This function reads samples from the source, averages them,
/// and writes the average to the sink.
async fn downsample(
    mut source: impl View<Item=f32>,
    mut sink: impl ViewMut<Item=f32>,
    factor: usize
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
    loop {
        // Wait for the input and output to be available.
            source.grant(factor).map_err(|_| "we got an input error!"),
            sink.grant(1).map_err(|_| "we got an output error!"),

        // Each view could be longer (if extra data is available)
        // or shorter (if the stream closed)
        let input = source.view();
        let output = sink.view_mut();
        if input.len() < factor || output.is_empty() {
            break Ok(())

        // Average the values
        output[0] = input[..factor].iter().sum::<f32>() / factor as f32;

        // We've written all our data, so release our current views
        // and advance the streams


pub use circular_buffer::circular_buffer;
pub use splittable::SplittableView;
pub use view::View;
pub use view::ViewMut;


An asynchronous copy-free circular buffer.

Errors produced by streams.


Utilities for working with std::io.

Lazy-initialized streams.

Utilities for working with slices.

Streams that can be split into multiple views.

Views into asynchronous streams.