Crate risc0_zkp

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The RISC Zero Proving System

These are the core algorithms that prove and verify the execution of zk-STARK circuits.

Crate Feature Flags

The following crate feature flags are available.

cudaprove, stdTurns on CUDA GPU acceleration for the prover. Requires CUDA toolkit to be installed.
metalmacosprove, stdTurns on Metal GPU acceleration for the prover.
proveall except rv32imstdEnables the prover, incompatible within the zkvm guest.
stdallSupport for the Rust stdlib.


  • Interface between the circuit and prover/verifier
  • Core module used to implement a zk-STARK prover and verifier.
  • Finite field types and operations
  • Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) for accelerating the ZKP system.
  • Utilities for accessing buffers of circuits symbolically.
  • Cryptographic algorithms for producing a ZK proof of compute
  • Cryptographic algorithms for verifying a ZK proof of compute


  • Defines a buffer in a circuit that could have layout information. $ident should be the camelcase name of the buffer, and $elem sould be the type of element in the buffer, e.g. BabyBearElem. $elem must implement Debug, and must be comparable to $elem::ZERO.
