pub unsafe trait RingBufferExt<T>: RingBuffer<T> + RingBufferRead<T> + RingBufferWrite<T> + Index<isize, Output = T> + IndexMut<isize> + FromIterator<T> {
Show 17 methods fn fill_with<F: FnMut() -> T>(&mut self, f: F); fn clear(&mut self); fn get(&self, index: isize) -> Option<&T>; fn get_absolute(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&T>; fn get_absolute_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<&mut T>; fn fill_default(&mut self)
        T: Default
, { ... } fn fill(&mut self, value: T)
        T: Clone
, { ... } fn get_mut(&mut self, index: isize) -> Option<&mut T> { ... } fn peek(&self) -> Option<&T> { ... } fn front(&self) -> Option<&T> { ... } fn front_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> { ... } fn back(&self) -> Option<&T> { ... } fn back_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> { ... } fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> RingBufferMutIterator<'_, T, Self> { ... } fn iter(&self) -> RingBufferIterator<'_, T, Self> { ... } fn to_vec(&self) -> Vec<T>
        T: Clone
, { ... } fn contains(&self, elem: &T) -> bool
        T: PartialEq
, { ... }
Expand description

Defines behaviour for ringbuffers which allow them to be used as a general purpose buffer. With this trait, arbitrary access of elements in the buffer is possible.


Implementing this implies that the ringbuffer upholds some safety guarantees, such as returning a different value from get_mut any for every different index passed in. See the exact requirements in the safety comment on the next function of the mutable Iterator implementation, since these safety guarantees are necessary for [iter_mut] to work

Required Methods§

Sets every element in the ringbuffer to the value returned by f.

Empties the buffer entirely. Sets the length to 0 but keeps the capacity allocated.

Gets a value relative to the current index. 0 is the next index to be written to with push. -1 and down are the last elements pushed and 0 and up are the items that were pushed the longest ago.

Gets a value relative to the start of the array (rarely useful, usually you want Self::get)

Gets a value mutably relative to the start of the array (rarely useful, usually you want Self::get_mut)

Provided Methods§

Sets every element in the ringbuffer to it’s default value

Sets every element in the ringbuffer to value

Gets a value relative to the current index mutably. 0 is the next index to be written to with push. -1 and down are the last elements pushed and 0 and up are the items that were pushed the longest ago.

Returns the value at the current index. This is the value that will be overwritten by the next push and also the value pushed the longest ago. (alias of Self::front)

Returns the value at the front of the queue. This is the value that will be overwritten by the next push and also the value pushed the longest ago. (alias of peek)

Returns a mutable reference to the value at the back of the queue. This is the value that will be overwritten by the next push. (alias of peek)

Returns the value at the back of the queue. This is the item that was pushed most recently.

Returns a mutable reference to the value at the back of the queue. This is the item that was pushed most recently.

Creates a mutable iterator over the buffer starting from the item pushed the longest ago, and ending at the element most recently pushed.

Creates an iterator over the buffer starting from the item pushed the longest ago, and ending at the element most recently pushed.

Converts the buffer to a vector. This Copies all elements in the ringbuffer.

Returns true if elem is in the ringbuffer.
