Crate riddance

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Riddance provides the Registry container, which stores objects and issues unique IDs for them, also known as a “slot map” or an “arena”. Features include:

  • New IDs can be “reserved” atomically, without locking the Registry. See reserve_id and reserve_ids.
  • When the generation of a slot reaches its maximum, the slot is “retired” instead of allowing the generation to roll over to zero. This prevents logic errors from colliding IDs.
  • The default Id type is 64 bits, but callers that need smallers IDs can use Id32, which has a configurable number of generation bits.
  • The recycle method makes it possible to reuse previously retired slots, though it can introduce logic errors if you violate its contract. It’s mainly intended for callers who use Id32.
  • By default ID types incorporate the T type parameter of the Registry that created them, to avoid confusing IDs from different registries.


use riddance::{Id, Registry};

struct Person {
    name: String,
    friends: Vec<Id<Person>>,

let mut people = Registry::new();
let alice_id = people.insert(Person { name: "Alice".into(), friends: vec![] });
let bob_id = people.insert(Person { name: "Bob".into(), friends: vec![] });



  • error types
  • additional ID types
  • a secondary map from IDs to other values
  • iterator types


  • A container that issues IDs and maps them to stored values, also called a “slot map” or an “arena”.

Type Aliases

  • The default 64-bit ID type.