Crate rich_sdl2_rust

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The rich-sdl2-rust provides wrapper for SDL2 and abstractions of that APIs, audio, window, EventBox and so on.

Supported SDL versions

This crate works with libraries:

  • SDL 2.26.2 or later,
  • SDL_ttf 2.20.1 or later (on ttf feature),
  • SDL_mixer 2.6.2 or later (on mixer feature),
  • SDL_image 2.6.2 or later (on image feature),
  • SDL_net 2.2.0 or later (on net feature).

Module Navigation

Crate features

  • vulkan: The Vulkan support API wrapper.
  • nightly: The features can be used on nightly.
    • simd_allocator: The wrapper of SIMD-friendly allocator.


pub use event::app;
pub use event::EventBox;


Provides audio device control, configuration, wav format utilities and so on.
Clipboard controls.
Color managements for graphics.
Querying display information.
SDL2 event system and handlers.
A file handing on SDL2.
A gamma ramp for display color management.
Geometry structures such as Point, Size, Rect and so on.
OpenGL contexts and attributes.
Haptic devices, which give the players to feedback by some force.
Getting/setting hints for SDL2 features working.
Metal API support in SDL2.
A counter for performance analysis.
System power monitoring.
Renderer for a window, to render some geometries or query driver information.
Screen saving that allows the screen to be blanked by a screen saver.
Surface, providing flexible modification for the pixels.
Querying some system information.
Texture used to draw the image to Renderer.
Window managements, graphics and mouse controls.


A root controller for SDL2. But some sub-feature does not require Sdl.
A version for SDL2.
An elapsed time from when SDL2 has initialized. Please note that the value formed 32-bit, overflowing after about 49 days.
A timer invokes a TimerCallback with the interval.
A video controller by SDL2.


An error occurred from SDL2.


A callback for Timer, that returns an interval for next calling.


Stops the current thread for ms milliseconds, then returns.

Type Definitions

A specialized std::result::Result type for this crate.