Crate rglua

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pub use lua::types;



Creates *const i8 from a &str This either takes a literal and appends a null char (\0) to it. or if it is an expression, tries to make a CString from it. Will panic if passed an expression that a CString could not be created from.

Quickly calls [get_interface_handle] and [get_from_interface] for you in one macro call. Errors are combined into one.

Like println!, however it prints to the gmod server’s console. First arg is the lua state. Rest are varargs. Can be either a variable storing a str literal, or a referenced String / str variable

Creates an array of LuaRegs for you to be used with luaL_register

Tries to convert a const char* to a &str Will panic if the const char* is not valid utf-8

Tries to create a *const i8 from a &str This either takes a literal and appends a null char (\0) to it. or if it is a value, makes a cstring and returns the pointer to it.

Tries to convert a const char* to an &str

Attribute Macros

Creates the exitpoint to garrysmod. Compiles down to gmod13_close.

Creates the entrypoint to garrysmod. Compiles down to gmod13_open.

Creates a valid function to be passed down to lua. Note this function will not be registered automatically for you, you must use luaL_register or functions like lua_pushcfunction. This may change in the future or allow for something like #[lua_function(name = “foo”, auto = true)]