Module reveal_yaml::project

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Reveal.yaml definition.

For metadata, please see Metadata. For slides, please see Slides.


Slides in HTML: In Reveal.js, the HTML structure shown as following. The typesetting is done by original HTML and CSS.

<section> <!-- Horizontal slide 1 -->
  <section>...</section> <!-- Vertical slide 1 -->
  <section>...</section> <!-- Vertical slide 2 -->
<section> <!-- Horizontal slide 2 -->

Slides in YAML: The horizontal slides are as listed in the second block, which is an array. A slide can work with at least one attribute structure.

## metadata block
description: ...
author: ...
## slides block
- title: ...  # Works!
- doc: ...  # Works!
- img: ...  # Works!

The vertical slides work under the sub node of first slide, the attributes are same as horizontal slides.

- title: Horizontal slide 1
    - title: Vertical slide 1
    - title: Vertical slide 2
- title: Horizontal slide 2

This work supports YAML 1.2, and the anchor function supports for specific fields, such as content blocks.

Multi-document Mode

A regular Reveal.yaml project has two parts, metadata and a list of slides. Metadata and Slides.

## metadata block (map) - Metadata
## Slider block (sequence) - Sliders
- title: Title 1
- title: Title 2

Or multi-document with a leading metadata doc to reduce the indents. Metadata and ChapterSlide.

## metadata block (map) - Metadata
## Slider block 1 (map) - ChapterSlide
title: Title 1
## Slider block 2 (map) - ChapterSlide
title: Title 2

Please be aware that anchors cannot be referenced between different documents.

Layout System

There are two layout types, called “horizontal stack” (Content::h_stack) and “vertical stack” (Content::v_stack). The vertical layout is default, as same as HTML.

The stack blocks list in the h-stack / v-stack tag, and the stack tags can be nested.

  - doc: Left
  - v-stack:
    - doc: Right Top
    - doc: Right Bottom

The stack tag can add a suffix *-border to add a borderline between the elements. (Content::h_stack_border and Content::v_stack_border)

  - doc: Left
  - doc: Right

Sized Attribute

The images and resizeable items are support Sized attribute, which contains three options: src, width and height. The src option is required, otherwise the feature will be disabled or invalid.

The width and height options are the same as the attributes on the <img> tag, they are optional.

footer:  # Footer is a metadata option
  src: img/icon.png
  width: 50pt
  label: Reveal.yaml
  - src: img/icon.png
    width: 50% # same as width="50%"
    height: 70 # same as height="70"
  width: 320
  height: 240
  autoplay: true

Reveal Plugins

The plugins excluding markdown are enabled by default.

Additional plugins can be added via JsPlugin in metadata.

Writing Guide

Generally, reveal.yaml divides into two parts, the first part will be deserialized to Metadata, and the second part will be deserialized to Slides, other parts will be ignored. YAML parser will not check extra key values.

During the deserialization, “flatten” field means the child field will be inherited by the parent, such as Sized.

Most of functions are planed to be demonstrated in the help page. Open the help page by adding /help/ after URL, like http://localhost:8080/help/.


The chapter slide.
A content block, which visualize all contents in the layout.
A shared data between parent configuration and its children.
Global footer option.
Embed <iframe> structures, such as YouTube videos.
Embed images.
Image backgrounds setting.
Other Reveal.js options.
Third-party Reveal plugins.
Layout stack for images.
Metadata contains HTML settings and global slide settings, they are totally YAML Maps.
Sized item option.
All slides has following attributes.
Slides data.
Embed videos.


Background setting.
The union type of the options.


Some string operations.
Let data structure transform to HTML.


Translate Markdown to HTML.