Crate restson

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Easy-to-use REST client for Rust programming language that provides automatic serialization and deserialization from Rust structs. The library is implemented using Hyper and Serde JSON.


extern crate restson;
extern crate serde_derive;

use restson::{RestClient,RestPath,Error};

// Data structure that matches with REST API JSON
struct HttpBinAnything {
    method: String,
    url: String,

// Path of the REST endpoint: e.g. http://<baseurl>/anything
impl RestPath<()> for HttpBinAnything {
    fn get_path(_: ()) -> Result<String,Error> { Ok(String::from("anything")) }

#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
async fn main() {
    // Create new client with API base URL
    let mut client = RestClient::new("").unwrap();

    // GET and deserialize the result automatically
    let data = client.get::<_, HttpBinAnything>(()).await.unwrap().into_inner();
    println!("{:?}", data);


  • Blocking variant of the RestClient


  • Builder for RestClient
  • Type returned by client query functions
  • REST client to make HTTP GET and POST requests.


  • Restson error return type.


  • Rest path builder trait for type.

Type Aliases§