Crate restless

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This is a crate that helps you specify your REST API in a typesafe manner. This is somewhat similar to standards such as OpenAPI, which allow you to specify your API in a cross-language manner. However, if both your frontend and your backend are written in Rust, it is not neccessary to go through the trouble of specifying your APIs in a spec like this. Rather, you can use the trait system to define your requests like this:

use restless::{*, data::Json};
use std::borrow::Cow;

struct MyRequest {
    name: String,

impl GetRequest for MyRequest {
    type Response = Json<Vec<String>>;
    type Query = ();

    fn query(&self) -> Self::Query {}
    fn path(&self) -> Cow<'_, str> {

In this case, the response type is a JSON-encoded Vec<String>. Under the hood, serde_json is used to provide this encoding. This crate ships with other encoding strategies, such as using Yaml or Bincode. You can also specify Bytes to get the raw data. By implementing the Decodable trait, you can augment it with your own, custom decoding strategy. The same goes for request bodies with the Encodable trait.


What you get “for free” from this crate is implementations of various clients. See the clients module for more information.


To see some examples for how this crate may be used, refer to the examples/ directory in the repository.


