Crate replicate_rs
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A simple http client for interacting with Replicate.
Provides simple async functionality for interacting with Replicate via
serde and isahc.
Getting Started
Add the following to your cargo toml
replicate-rs = "0.7.0"
Create a Prediction
Create a prediction, and get refreshed prediction data.
use replicate_rs::config::ReplicateConfig;
use replicate_rs::predictions::PredictionClient;
use serde::Serialize;
use serde_json::json;
// The library is runtime agnostic, so you should be able to use any async runtime you please
async fn main() {
tokio::spawn(async move {
let config = ReplicateConfig::new().unwrap();
let prediction_client = PredictionClient::from(config);
// Create the prediction
let mut prediction = prediction_client
json!({"text": "kyle"}),
// Refresh the data
- Utilities for high level configuration for Replicate clients.
- Utilities for interacting with models endpoints.
- Utilities for interacting with all prediction endpoints.