Expand description

Managers for various type of resources.


Manages the camera’s location and projection settings.

Manages directional lights and their associated shadow maps.

Cpu side input to gpu-based culling

The skeleton and mes vertex ranges, in a format that’s suitable to be sent to the GPU.

Internal representation of a directional light.

Internal representation of a material.

Internal representation of a mesh.

Internal representation of a Object.

Internal representation of a Skeleton

Internal representation of a Texture.

Key which determine’s an object’s archetype.

Manages materials and their associated BindGroups in CPU modes.

Set of megabuffers used by the mesh manager.

Manages vertex and instance buffers. All buffers are sub-allocated from megabuffers.

Manages objects. That’s it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The location of a shadow map in the shadow atlas.

Manages skeletons.

Manages textures and associated bindless bind groups

Output of readying up a TextureManager.


Size of a single index.

Largest amount of supported textures per type

When using the GpuDriven profile, we start the 2D texture manager with a bind group with this many textures.

When using the GpuDriven profile, we start the Cubemap texture manager with a bind group with this many textures.

Pre-allocated index count in the index megabuffer.

Pre-allocated vertex count in the vertex megabuffers.

Size of a single vertex color.

Vertex buffer slot for colors

Size of a joint index vector

Vertex buffer slot for joint indices

Size of a joint weight vector

Vertex buffer slot for joint weights

Size of a single vertex normal.

Vertex buffer slot for normals

Vertex buffer slot for object indices Note that this slot is only used in the GpuDriven profile.

Size of a single vertex position.

Vertex buffer slot for positions

Size of a single vertex tangent.

Vertex buffer slot for tangents

Vertex buffer slot for uv0

Vertex buffer slot for uv1

Size of a single vertex texture coordinate.