Crate rend3_types[][src]


Represents the backends that wgpu will use.

Describes how the camera should look at the scene.

Describes how directional lights (sun lights) and their shadows should be processed.

Describes a modification to a DirectionalLight.

A mesh that may be used by many objects.

Easy to use builder for a Mesh that deals with common operations for you.

An object in the world that is composed of a Mesh and Material.

Non-owning resource handle. Not part of rend3’s external interface, but needed to interface with rend3’s internal datastructures if writing your own structures or render routines.

Owning resource handle. Used as part of rend3’s interface.

A bitmap image used as a data source for a texture.

Describes a texture made from the mipmaps of another texture.

Different ways that you can use a texture.


Backends supported by wgpu.

Describes how the world should be projected into the camera.

Supported physical device types.

The count of mipmap levels a texture should have.

How texture mipmaps get generated.

Behavior of the presentation engine based on frame rate.

Underlying texture data format.


Interface that all materials must use.

Type Definitions

Refcounted handle to a DirectionalLight.

Refcounted handle to a MaterialTag.

Refcounted handle to a Mesh.

Refcounted handle to a Object.

Internal non-owning handle to a DirectionalLight.

Internal non-owning handle to a MaterialTag.

Internal non-owning handle to a Mesh.

Internal non-owning handle to a Object.

Internal non-owning handle to a Texture.

Refcounted handle to a Texture.